It was the last day of Locktober and what was the perfect way to end the month of tasks?

Snake had informed me that the last game with the edges had put his ratios way off for his O eligibility. He needs a certain number of edges as well as ruined to be eligible for one and there were SO many edges that, well, he wasn’t.
In all of my grand benevolence, I decided to help this situation along just a bit. His task was to let everyone know how many ruined O’s that I gave him on Halloween night.
And while it might not have been a personal record for me, it was probably pretty close. I had to warm him up with a few edges just to get things going so he started with three of those.
The main event? Five ruined O’s in a row. And while it didn’t really even put a dent in the off-kilter ratio, I had fun.
Snake? He was sweating just a wee bit.
I do believe you having fun is the main point of all this 🙂
It totally is 😏