It’s been hot and most of the indoor recreation places haven’t been open this summer so we’ve been spending some time decluttering. Not much fun, but at least more productive than watching another cooking show.

Nothing wrong with those, but we may have finished all of the episodes of several available so….
As we are cleaning out, we find an old frame that we have no idea where it came from or what was in it. Just before I hand it to you to put in the donate pile, I pause.
You look at me and ask, “Do you have something that we need to frame?”
Smirking, I say, “Maybeeeeeee.”
Turning to me, you see The Look. After a brief sigh, you wait patiently for my explanation.
“You’ve been having really low numbers on the game strokes. Maybe I can let you earn a multiplier for today. I think you should be my living artwork while I finish cleaning out this room.”
“The entire room?”
“Well, we have done at least 10% of it already so technically not the ENTIRE room. Get naked and pose for me.”
Knowing that it was futile to protest, you strip down and pick up the frame. “Like this?”
I just look at you and point lower. You drop it a couple a inches and wait. I just stare at you.
“Seriously? You want me to frame my cock for you while you work?
After another sigh, you drop it so you are centered in the frame. I smile and start back on the bookshelves, slowly picking up each one to ponder if it should stay or go, occasionally asking for your opinion.
After about 20 minutes the frame starts to move. “Did I say that I wanted a different view?”
You move it back, saying, “It’s hard to keep it in one place.”
I smile… “I see that.”
“NOT what I meant!”
After about 90 minutes, I finish the room. “Nice job,” I say and snap a quick photo. Handing you the frame, I point you towards the donation pile. “You’ve earned your multiplier. Bring me the d20.”
You roll a 16 and grin. “Maybe tonight…”
“Maybe. Let’s just hope you don’t end it all with that one out of four chance of ending it before it even starts….”
You have the greatest ideas, Charmer, and play such fun games. Sometimes I feel so sorry for Snake, but I love reading about the fun you have!
~ Marie
🤣 🤣 🤣
He has fun too. Just sometimes less than I do 😏
Haha a perfectly framed cock. I love it.
🤣 😈
games are so much fun when doing daily or annoying chores. well done
Absolutely 😈
Fun cleaning
It is!
What a fun game!
I looked forward to seeing the picture… a fun idea for sure!