It’s a weird thought that we’re several years into this all now. I can’t believe all that has changed, how much I’ve grown up mentally, how much I’ve learned about me, about us.
The people we’ve met, the people she’s met, the people I’ve met and all of the learning, play, experience, goofing around, changing how we interact, all of that.
And to think… it all started, really, with a cage. Not this one, but a cage nonetheless. I never would have imagined. The impact has been profound. No, not in a “I put the cage on, and BAM! Everything changed!” sense, but the simple idea that we wanted to explore more, that we’d dropped all the expectations and decided to see what we were all about as a couple.
Talking, writing, FLR, D/s, pictures, people, weight lifting, Scrabble, friends, exploring…
Prince Albert piercings (“The PA”), and heck, I didn’t even know there WAS such a thing as hand porn.
Not to be all sappy and stuff, but whodathunk?

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