Sinful Sunday #8 — Contradictions

This idea came from a conversation that I had with a friend yesterday.  I mentioned that I wasn’t very exciting, not in a poor-me way, but in a this-is-just-my-life way.  She came back that I was so many different things and boring wasn’t one of them.  She listed mom, business owner, and dancer.  I didn’t really think about it again until our initial idea for the picture for today didn’t work out.

I have so many roles.  Daughter.  Wife.  Mother. Daughter-in-law.  Mother-in-law.  Business owner.  Friend.  Dancer.  Workout addict.  Fandom nerd.  Rocker chick.  Domme.  And within each of those roles, I play a lot of different parts.  I can be ridiculously focused at dance when we are working towards competition and then the person who can’t stop laughing while I am goofing around with one of my favorite dance partners.  I can be Mom to our daughter when she needs help and the friend who plays drinking games with her and has loud, inappropriate conversations with her in public.  I can be the wife who cooks dinner and snuggles and the Domme who pushes his buttons.  I can simultaneously love and hate that we own our own business.  I can whine about having to exercise and then realize how strong I am.

I just wanted to say thank you to her, she knows who she is, for reminding me that I am more than the sum of my parts.


Check out who else is being sinful this week!

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