There’s an old joke that goes something like this…
A player, new to the game of baseball is having the ins and outs explained to him while watching a game.
As batters come up, they swing, miss, some hit of course. But a bit later, the batter is up.
Pitch… ball.
Pitch… ball.
Pitch… ball
As the last pitch is ready to go, the person helping the newbie explains “If this last one is a ball too, the batter gets to go to first. He’ll get walked.” The newbie looks at the person helping them, thinks for a minute, then goes back to watching.
Pitch… ball.
With that, the person explain says “He gets to walk, he’s got four balls!”
The newbie stands up and start cheering madly. He yells to the runner… “Walk with PRIDE my man, WALK WITH PRIDE!”
Now, I won’t claim to have four balls. But I will say that the new PA has a tendency to introduce new swagger. It’s a great feeling that I went through with something that was more than a little scary, but is awesome.
The latest update is that things are fine. No bleeding, no … nothing. Just getting used to having a ring there and trying to imagine what things will be like going forward… in a good way. But that’s for another post.
You’ve been waiting about 17 years for a chance to use that joke, haven’t you? One of the perks of having children… 🙂