Who are we?
We are Snake and Charmer. We are a married couple exploring D/s, chastity, and kink.
We like spending time together, drinking wine, travel and nerding out with movies, video games, and DnD.
And sex. And taking and sharing pictures. And exploring our FLR.
Steeled Snake Blog
We started this blog in March of 2015 to share our journey.
Snake shares his insights on getting and experiences with a PA, his views on being the /s in the relationship and he takes some amazing photographs to make Charmer look good.

Charmer shares her love of game playing in their relationship, her Domme attributes, and takes photos of Snake. Mostly we write our own posts, but occasionally you will see us making comments on the other one’s stuff.
Some of it is real, some are fiction and a lot ends up somewhere in the grey area. We both tend to be highly sarcastic and playful. We write because we love to share our life and fun with people and interact with them.
Our Memes
Snake Den A to Z is a monthly meme. Each month has a different prompt but they are wide to allow for a lot of variety. I (Charmer) rarely go in order, I tend to repeat letters and am very imaginative in my interpretation of our own prompt. Check at the end of each month for what the new prompt is.
Bawdy Bells is our yearly meme to give us something easy when the world starts getting crazy. There is no prompt so it lets you write or share a photograph without any pressure to fit within a mold.
Contact Us
We love getting comments on posts, so please share! In addition, you can contact us by email at steeledsnake@gmail.com or steeledsnakecharmer@gmail.com
And if you are on Twitter:
Snake: @Steeledsnake
Charmer: @SteelChrmr
Updated October 2020