Ah, Leg Warmers!

I’m a pretty old-fashioned guy on many things – and one of them is leg warmers.  I love them.  Charmer will be the first to tell you that she “used” them as the initial way to get my attention (I believe she said “reel him in”) – it still works to this day.

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Sinful Sunday 15 – The Ties That Bind

Charmer and I have a fantastic history and have experienced some of the biggest extremes in life – the highs and lows – and when we were taking shots for today’s Sinful Sunday, all I could think of (OK, I’ll be honest, it’s not “all I could think of,” let’s be real), was how all of these threads and ties and life-hooks have brought us to today.  And how this was very symbolic of that!

Continue reading “Sinful Sunday 15 – The Ties That Bind”