Tag Archives: photo

FPF – Tumbling Over the Finish Line

Feb Photo Fest is in the books.  It’s a blast to take part in this meme, and it’s so cool to see all the pictures people dream up on the different sites.  Make sure you click the lips below and check out the huge assortment of pictures.

It’s also a great excuse to mess with filters and angles and the image and all of that – to see what you can make of it.

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FPF – Tired of Seeing Steel Yet?

Just in case it’s no…

One of the things about chastity toys and devices and how you approach it is that it’s so different person-to-person – or at least you have a lot of options in how you want to approach it.  For some it’s outright denial.  For others it’s a bondage-type thing.  For still others it’s a “control” thing.

For some, the steel is a great thing.  And that’s just an initial pass, and doesn’t take into account power exchange stuff or any combination of these and other things.

Continue reading FPF – Tired of Seeing Steel Yet?