Rain has been falling steadily all night and the window is dripping when we get up.
Continue reading “D is for Drip”R is for Remote
“Get undressed and unlock.” She had “that look.”
Continue reading “R is for Remote”D is for Diary
June 16
Why do I even keep writing in this thing? Nothing really different happens to me each day. Work, home, maybe a little socializing with friends and some family stuff.
I’ll give it one more month. Then I’m going to spend the time watching re-runs. It wouldn’t be any different.
Continue reading “D is for Diary”S is for Steamy
“Let’s grab coffee and some bagels and have breakfast in the park before it gets too hot,” you say before I’ve even opened my eyes.
Continue reading “S is for Steamy”C is for (I Called a) Car…
We’re at the end of our trip it’s been a great time, lots of time spent taking in the scenery from 40 stories up in the high-rise. And lots more time taking in the scenery right here in our room. Something about hotel rooms…
Continue reading “C is for (I Called a) Car…”R is for Reading
The wedding had been fun, but the drive back was boring. It was mostly remote and you could only look at so many trees and hills before your mind started going numb.
Continue reading “R is for Reading”Whispers in the Dark
We’re laying there, just listening to the dark around us. I can hear the rain on the roof (a rarity and amazing) and the winds howling outside off and on. I also hear far-distant thunder. It’s that rolling kind that’s just fun to listen to, not violent, not jolting, just almost like a drummer with a massive kettle drum of some sort playing a random tune.
I hear you whisper to me…
Continue reading “Whispers in the Dark”S is for Shadow
The bar had been playing their favorite music last night and they had stayed a lot longer than they had anticipated. Luckily it was Sunday and they had no plans until dinner.
Continue reading “S is for Shadow”S is for Stars
The day had been too hot to do the hike we had wanted to do so we had spent the entire day in front of the TV instead of the date we had planned.
Continue reading “S is for Stars”F… Fine, be late. Not.
You’re in the front room, singing. It’s that Foreigner song – I hear you, just perfectly on tune. “I’ve been waiting… for a boy like you…” you’re singing. I call across the house and correct you – “it’s ‘waiting for a girl like you…” I tell you. “You’re not REALLY correcting me, are you?” you say back.
Continue reading “F… Fine, be late. Not.”A is for Anniversary
There’s not a cloud in the sky as they walk through the park. It’s a perfect day for a picnic. Or, at least, it would be if the temperatures weren’t so high. There’s not even a breeze to cool things down a bit.
Continue reading “A is for Anniversary”C is for Countdown
I put the egg timer on the counter. “I believe that’s a two minute timer, correct?”
Continue reading “C is for Countdown”F is for Flying
It’s been a long couple of months. She feels like they were chained to work and there was barely enough time to sleep, let alone do anything more.
Continue reading “F is for Flying”H is for Hide and Seek
The castle is old. Really old. And definitely had seen better days. But it seemed like a good place to stop for a picnic lunch before we headed on.
Continue reading “H is for Hide and Seek”S is for the 5 Senses
He sat in the chair as he was instructed. There was soft music playing from a nightclub somewhere on the street below.
Continue reading “S is for the 5 Senses”H is for (Summer) Heat
The backyard is finally coming together. The pool has been there since before we moved in, but the rest of the yard was a mass of rocks and dirt with a few trees. The one tree is old and huge so all planning had to go around that centerpiece.
Continue reading “H is for (Summer) Heat”D is for Dessert
The day had been filled with lots of sex interspersed with snuggling and giggling. The sun was starting to go down and it was time to think about food.
Continue reading “D is for Dessert”C is for Coming Attractions
The day had been hot. Too hot to be running errands, but life happens. It was even too hot to really spend any time in the pool until it got dark.
Continue reading “C is for Coming Attractions”F is for Feather
He was on the bed, naked, blindfolded, and restrained with black straps to the bedposts.
Continue reading “F is for Feather”T is for Training
Part 1 (Hers), Part 2 (His), Part 3 (Hers), Part 4 (His), Part 5 (Hers), Part 6 (His), Part 7 (Hers), Part 8 (His)
As they left the restaurant, Bree walked just slightly ahead of Gabe. He had held the door open for another couple as she crossed the parking lot. She heard him walking quickly to catch up with her.
Continue reading “T is for Training”N is for Not a Word
There is a single light on the in bedroom as you walk in. It is dim and casts shadows on the walls and ceiling. You can’t really see me and start to turn on the overhead light.
Continue reading “N is for Not a Word”I is for I Guessed Wrong (Part 8)
This is part 8 in an ongoing story, a segment by Charmer, a segment by Snake…
Part 1 (Hers), Part 2 (His), Part 3 (Hers), Part 4 (His), Part 5 (Hers), Part 6 (His), Part 7 (Hers)
He was in trouble, and he knew it. He hadn’t paid attention early on when she was talking about dinner places. Or, at least he assumed he hadn’t paid attention. He sure didn’t remember anything at all about it, that’s for sure. Gabe couldn’t for the life of him remember the conversation with any specifics. All he COULD remember were those legs, and the mental buttons she was busy pushing in his head.
He’d guessed at the Italian place since they so often loved going out for good Italian food.
He’d guessed wrong, clearly.
Even more to the point, he felt like a big buffoon for letting her down. He really wanted to have this whole weekend thing go really smoothly and was reveling in how she approached things, her attitude, her strength. He really didn’t want to blow it right out of the gate.
Continue reading “I is for I Guessed Wrong (Part 8)”D is for Decision Time
This is part 7 in an ongoing story, a segment by Charmer, a segment by Snake…
Part 1 (Hers), Part 2 (His), Part 3 (Hers), Part 4 (His), Part 5 (Hers), Part 6 (His)
“You didn’t make reservations at the steak place?” Bree asked.
“No,” Gabe said softly. “I’m sorry, Mistress.”
Continue reading “D is for Decision Time”H is for Headspace (Part 6 (His))
This is part 6 in an ongoing story, a segment by Charmer, a segment by Snake…
Part 1 (Hers), Part 2 (His), Part 3 (Hers), Part 4 (His), Part 5 (Hers)
Panic was flashing in his head. First, dashing outside, he just knew it wasn’t cool – she was pushing his buttons and he was trying to hide it in almost sneaking out.
But this whole thing – this change – was happening. Like, really happening. This was slipping in and out of what he’d imagined if they every did this type of thing. “This thing” – he didn’t know how to describe it, not really. He knew it flipped switches inside him that he didn’t really understand when she got like this, but right here, right now, in this ongoing… thing.
He was excited, thought he knew what way things would go, how she’d approach it, what she’d want, not want from him, from them, for herself. The simple fact was, she wasn’t hitting ANY of what he expected at this point. In fact, he’d not expected any of her approach. It was a side of her he had never seen.
He wanted to suggest ideas, but she had such a grin on her face. Sometimes, you could only sense it, sometimes you could actually see it, when he tried to steal a glance at her, just before she’d reminded him to look down, she had this… look. It was powerful as hell. Indescribable.
Continue reading “H is for Headspace (Part 6 (His))”Z is for Zoom
“Well this is a surprise,” you say when I call you on Zoom. “You never want to do video unless forced to in meetings. You laugh.
Continue reading “Z is for Zoom”