“Want to play a game? she asked out of the blue one lazy Saturday morning.
“Video game or board game?”
Continue reading B is for Blinded by the Light“Want to play a game? she asked out of the blue one lazy Saturday morning.
“Video game or board game?”
Continue reading B is for Blinded by the LightShe was in the tub and he had run out to get some wine and a snack for them. She heard the electronic lock open and then a knock on the bathroom door.
Continue reading N is for Naked“I am so over wrapping presents. Next year, everyone is getting an online gift card.”
Continue reading W is for WrappingHe called towards the bedroom, “We’re going to be late. Are you about ready?”
Continue reading S is for Seduction“Wouldn’t that be a fun place to stay?” I shove the laptop in his lap with the picture of a castle that can be rented.
Continue reading H is for Haunted HouseShe spins around, kissing me.
The show was great, we had a really nice dinner out, it’s been a great evening of just relaxing and taking in the sights.
She pulls my lip between her teeth and I hiss at the surprise, at the pinch. She holds it her mouth curling into a devious smile.
Continue reading Short… to answer the questionShe had given him the address and said it was a masquerade party. This was only their third date and he was nervous about meeting her friends.
Continue reading M is for MasqueradeHe handed her the magazine and asked, “Why don’t you dress like that at the pool?”
Continue reading H is for HeelsHe handed her the glass of wine and sat next to her on the couch. The fire was burning bright and music was playing. A nice quiet date night.
Continue reading B is for BitingHe had come home from the farmer’s market with a bounty. All kinds of fruits and vegetables that looked amazing.
Continue reading R is for RedThe lights didn’t even flicker. They were watching an intense scene in the action movie one second and were in total silence and darkness the next.
Continue reading M is for MatchThe back portion of the plant nursery looked abandoned. Not many people were looking for plants this time of year so all of the bright plants were at the front to encourage the few customers that they had.
Continue reading G is for GhostShe loved wandering museums as much as the next person, but she was getting bored. How many more rooms of paintings of well-coifed and dressed up people could there possibly be?
Continue reading M is for Museum“I could do better than that,” he said as a contestant was being ridiculed by a chef for their raw chicken on the show they were watching.
Continue reading C is for ChefExhausted from the long day, he pulled out of the parking garage and started home.
Continue reading L is for (That) LookIt sat on the counter. Just a key on a keychain with no indication of what it opened. He picked it up and looked closely at it.
Continue reading K is for KeyHe was racing to get out when there was a knock on his office door.
Continue reading C is for CoatAs you pull in from a long day out working and just flat-out getting stuff done, you slowly walk to the door and fumble around with the key. I open it from the inside for you and hold my hand out – helping you across the threshold. “Well, hello, stranger… ” you say as you step in.
Just inside the door I have a blanket, folded up and on top of a big picnic basket.
“What’s this,” you ask, “are we going somewhere?”
Continue reading Moonlight PicnicShe was confused when she opened her eyes. It was pitch black except for a small window that let in the dawn light.
Continue reading W is for WindowHe was supposed to be there before dark. She had made reservations at the inn and they were going to have dinner at the restaurant next door.
Continue reading B is for BreakdownThey had decided to do an accent wall in the bedroom. Of course, trying to decide on the color was the problem.
Continue reading S is for SplatterHe got on at the stop after hers. Sat down, opened his book and he didn’t even look up.
Continue reading E is for Encounter on a BusShe checked her phone for the 3rd time in the last five minutes. No messages from him and she had double-checked the time and place where they were supposed to meet. He was almost half an hour late.
Continue reading W is for WaitingShe had finished the project. Whew! The client had signed off on it and it was time to celebrate.
Continue reading C is for ChampagneThis was to be a DD play night. But something is up. Something is whirling around in that head of hers that says it won’t “just” be a DD kind of night, but rather something else that is poking around.
“Remember when we were kids and made handprints in the sand,” she asks. “Yes, yes I do… but that’s sort of random, don’t you think?”
Continue reading It’s Just a Little Handprint