I dunno if boobs can be pensive. But it seemed appropriate. What do you think?
Just heading to the tub…… Happy Friday y’all!
Boobday—Nothing but towel
Ok…maybe a little boob too….
Boobday–Green and Sparkly
This was one of my quick morning pictures that I send to Snake…lucky boy. Really like how the light turned out….
Boobday – Comfy PJs… Bedtime!
I’m a sucker for comfortable – her in my shirts, comfortable fabrics – the casual stuff. I like the leather and lingerie, don’t get me wrong, but as often as not, just lounging around, I can look up and just grin.
So, here you go – Comfy Pjs. Happy Boobday!
Boobday — Back to the Workouts
Snake thought we should post a picture to commemorate my return to weight lifting. He thought he might be cute and try to take one while I was doing squats but I think the murderous look made him change his mind. So, instead, you get one from between sets…
Boobday – mmmm, Frilly
It may seem odd, but sometimes the captions are downright difficult to come up with. I mean, let’s face it. It’s boobday – a celebration of boobs in any form and format. What else do you really need to say?
I’ll try though.
Boobday – Sight lines and Shadows
Sometimes it’s almost abstract – but it’s still boobs for Boobday, yes? I loved the lines on this (Love this picture that she took).
Boobday — White
The shirt is white….and I’m really not sure what else to say except….Boobs! I hope all of you have a good and safe weekend.
Boobday – Such Drama!
Such drama in the shot today. A bit different…
Boobday — Eclipse
As you can see, our pictures of the eclipse weren’t all that awesome. So, Snake decided to enhance this one a little…. Happy Friday y’all!
Boobday – Oops… coming loose!
Ya know. Here we are again. Looking for pithy things to say about boobs and just loving that it’s boobday and Friday all in one. So, there (or, rather, here) you have it!
Happy Boobday!
Boobday — Sneak Peak
Why? Because it’s fun…. Happy Friday!
Boobday – Just helping out
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, I’m always interested in lending a helping hand. It’s important to support each other. To provide uplifting help.
So, here I am, doing exactly that. I mean, someone had to lend a helping hand. Might as well be me! 🙂
Don’t you agree?
Boobday – See What I Have to Endure??
Sometimes late at night she falls asleep on the couch while I’m working – and sometimes the view just, quite simply, must be preserved. That was the case here – just couldn’t resist.
Just… yeah.
Boobday — Kitty Print
Just like an innocent little house cat, right?
Boobday – Stripes are Fun
I can never remember the vertical stripes vs. horizontal stripes debate and rules. Probably something about “no horizontal stripes before July 15” or something like. But, alas.
It’s boobday, so BRING ON THE STRIPES, I always say. Or at least when she’s wearing them.
Boobday — Little Black…Bra
Nothing like starting out the weekend on a Friday morning with a sexy bra….
Boobday – Things are … well, looking up
Looking up, looking over. Whatever. 🙂
Hey, we just wanted to support boobday! Have a great day!
Boobday – ‘Scuse me, Tug More Please
Sometimes, it’s nice to just quietly hope for a little more sudden flexibility in a given shirt.
Boobday – Things are looking up
I keep hearing different movie lines in my head:
“Here’s looking at you, kid”
“What’s up, doc?”
“Up, up and awaaaaaay”
“Somebody Stop me!”
Boobday — Just Checking…
Some nights Snake will knock on the bathroom door while I’m in the tub to see if I need anything. I’m sure he’s just being nice, right?
Boobday – Casual Glimpses
Sometimes the casual shots come out great, no setup required.
I therefore present to you, casual boobs for today’s boobday. Enjoy! 🙂
Boobday – Bend and Stretch and Bend and Stretch…
“I think you dropped something… right… there.”
Happy Boobday!
Continue reading “Boobday – Bend and Stretch and Bend and Stretch…”
Boobday — Clean and Slippery
Just a quick post-shower shot…. Happy Friday everyone!