Just Hanging Out On The Edge…

One of Charmer’s favorite games to play are edging and denial-type games…that, of course, she makes the rules on.

And she’s quite the master at riding on that proverbial third rail, keeping things (er, me) just there, on edge. I have seen her maintain several in a row with less than 20 strokes between them, straight in succession. Well… “seen” is the wrong word. More like “experienced her… maintaining…”

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Happy End or Angry End?

“Do you want the happy end or the angry end,” she asked.

I had to stop and think. I mean, we’re sitting watching TV, what in the world is she up to now? Not only that, but when questions like this come up, it’s usually not what I expect or can guess.

…and sometimes, the consequences of just picking are too much.

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Scary Stuff

Scary stuff is a weird topic – it’s one of those things that I’ve really tried to wrap my head around, and have written about it a couple of times when it comes specifically to impact play and a few other things.

The basis? Well, why are we so intrigued by, and simultaneously terrified of, many of the different pieces to do with kinky fun? I mean, who can rationally think through stuff and go “I really like when that paddle impacts with me… or rather the aftermath.” No, your brain kicks in, and “WHOA there. That’s some scary stuff! That’s going to HURT! What is going on here?! Run!”

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FLR, D/s, Life and Kink

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