Elust #79

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Photo courtesy of Marie Opens Up

Welcome to Elust #79

The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be included in Elust #80? Start with the rules, come back March 1st to submit something and subscribe to the RSS feed for updates!


~ This Month’s Top Three Posts ~

The Joy of Sucking Cock

Making Porn

My Valentine

~ Featured Post (Molly’s Picks) ~

The One

Midweek Fantasizing – The Portrait

~ Readers Choice from Sexbytes ~


Continue reading Elust #79

Day 14 – Always There… Always.

We have our own business that requires weird hours – add to that the fact that I spent years writing books at night and the hours grow even longer.  Every time though, Charmer is there, supporting whatever is going on – in more than 30 years that we’ve been together, she’s always preferred to be sleeping on the couch way into the night and early morning – no matter how late – until I was finished.  So, instead of just being alone and working on whatever project is happening, I get company, a view and knowing that she’s making sure I get it done.  Pretty amazing.

Continue reading Day 14 – Always There… Always.

Charmer’s Thoughts on the Cage Part 2

About two weeks ago I wrote about my thoughts when we first started using THE CAGE….I don’t know why but for some reason it always seems like it needs a booming voice to say that.

I talked about the history of our use of THE CAGE–see, you are doing it in your head now too, aren’t you?–and opened up a whole new question set.  I said that we didn’t think anything would really change and left it there.  Since then there have been a couple of questions about what changed so I’m going to try to talk about that in some coherent way.  No promises.

Continue reading Charmer’s Thoughts on the Cage Part 2

That Damn Wheel Again

We had a rare opportunity of having the house to ourselves this last weekend, so noisier play was something that was possible.  Charmer seems to always have a way of taking advantage of that – and this was no different.

She’d already sort of given me a hint – ok, slap upside the head – about some of what we’d be doing because she told me to make sure the clamps were out (why does it bug me to say “nipple clamps?”) and that the TENS unit was fully charged.  We’ve played with the (!) clamps before of course – and the TENS unit we dabbled with but didn’t really push.

Continue reading That Damn Wheel Again

Be Careful What You Wish For

I really should learn not to joke around about things that I’m just not quite certain about at the time.  It may seem like something you wish for at the time in an abstract sense, but it can be extremely intense in reality.  It plants a seed in you that you keep around for later use and it has been known to come back to haunt me a bit in the future on more than one occasion.

“ha ha – wouldn’t it be funny if you…” is a dangerous entry into a charged scene.  Even though it’s a fantasy or even fleeting thought at the time I may mention it, your mind has this ability to grab onto it and take it to the farthest possible extreme.  Sometimes this is good, sometimes it’s a little shocking.

Continue reading Be Careful What You Wish For

Day 4 – TBT – Gettin’ Hitched

Just a few years ago (nearly 30) we tied the knot – and were together 5+ years before that, so, yeah… this may qualify as a throw-back Thursday kinda picture.  So much has happened, all the typical “this is your life” type stuff.

I think it’s safe to say that, through thick and thin, our biggest help has been each other (sappy, right?) – we are lucky to be able to rely on each other – and we continue to change, morph and adjust as we move forward.

Continue reading Day 4 – TBT – Gettin’ Hitched

Batteries, Dom(me)s and Energy

I’ve written quite a lot about my side of things – the power of sub-space, the “buttons” that get pushed for me in this whole thing, etc.  It’s a powerful combination of D/s, kink, our FLR and our overall choices of lifestyle.  But I stumbled too on to an article talking about the possible guilt associated with the /s/ side of things -that someone is always doing “to” you and taking care of you and… and… and…

And prior to all of this, I’ve written both public and private stories for Charmer and the site that talk about the look – and her attitude when she gets in that space – when she’s in Domme mode, not wife mode.  It got me started thinking, then realizing something really important.

Continue reading Batteries, Dom(me)s and Energy

Challenge: To the Edge and Back

Yet another great challenge idea that I wanted to share with you from Charmer’s mind – I’m not sure how she comes up with these, but they are both fun and intense.  We seem to learn something every time too – and I can see the gears turning in her mind on how to make them more difficult (eh, impossible) next time.  [SSC:  No one wants to be in my mind…and of course it will be more challenging next time.]

Continue reading Challenge: To the Edge and Back

Charmer’s Thoughts on the Cage…

Life is interfering with Snake’s blogging… Being a techie nerd, when things fall apart, they tend to take the world with them.  So, he’s busy being brilliant in his real life so I thought that I would write…gasp!

Besides–since he won’t be able to make his deadline on his post, it just gives me lots of delicious opportunities to come up with alternative tasks.  Maybe a story, maybe an extra picture, maybe something completely new. Oh, the ideas running through my head.

Continue reading Charmer’s Thoughts on the Cage…

FLR, D/s, Life and Kink

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