Shower Torture

I’m sure you know how it is.  You get up, you mindlessly wander to the shower and try to jump start your engine to get the day going.  The warm water, the ritual of getting presentable … it all comes together to help.

So, there I am.  I’m in the shower, washing my hair.  Trying to turn on my intellectual lights.  As I’m scrubbing away, I suddenly hear the shower curtain pull back, you grab me by the waist and place me in the corner of the shower, out of the stream of water, suds in my hair, eyes closed.

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And the Answer is…

Last night was one of our rare nights alone with no dance lessons or practice.  So, of course, it was time for some teasing and play…

We had to do our photo for #boobday so that’s always a fun tease to begin the night.  Snake gets to be behind the camera and take lots of shots and be a professional.  No touching, just looking.  And, sometimes, you know, it does take a while to get the right shot.

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SOUNDING Like Fun Torture

As we wander into the play area, you’re already grinning from ear to ear.  I can tell you’ve been thinking about this for awhile, and have ideas about what you want to do.  Pretty unusual since you’re more of a “by the seat of your pants” type, but every now and then, you’ve planned things out in detail in your mind’s eye and this is one of those.

Closing and locking the door you walk me to the center of the room, put on my wrist cuffs and attach a chain, sit me on a stool you have there.  When my hands are up over my head, just enough to stretch well, you attach them to the rings.   I’m sort of dangling there, twisting a bit trying to get relaxed into the tug on my arms.

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Getting What He Wants in an FLR

Handing over control is a powerful idea for a lot of guys – chastity goes hand-in-hand with this – you lock it up and hand over the keys and voila!  She runs your life, makes the decisions, and things are wonderful.  It’s exactly as you imagined it.

Except that’s not how it goes.  The reality is you’re two people.  You have to work out how you’ll work together, how she’ll make decisions and more.  But most of all, she gets to run the show.  On the surface, that’s the point.  At a deeper level, it’s a huge change.

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Who’s the Boss? (She is)

At the end of the week, as the work day starts to wind down, I’m working to finish up, get everyone their final bits to be done for the day.  I’ve been heads-down for hours, door shut, putting together the dreaded weekend lists for everyone to finish up over the weekend.

There’s a soft knock at the door and I try to ignore it.  But the knocking comes again, this time louder.  I mumble something resembling “come in,” hoping that whomever is on the other side of the door will take the hint and go away.  Nothing happens.  I grin to myself, thinking I succeeded, then the knock again.  Now I’m getting annoyed.  “Come in!” is all I can get out, with an expletive or two under my breath afterward.

Continue reading Who’s the Boss? (She is)

FLR, D/s, Life and Kink

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