Rock Climbing… and Sex and Anonymity

I love rock climbing.  I have a great group of friends who really enjoy rock climbing too – but they like different things about it.  It seems like we’re always discovering new techniques, new tricks, new things that are fun.  I love hearing their stories too – things they’ve done and experienced, things they try and either succeed or fail at.

One of the things I really love about rock climbing is the adrenaline rush.  When it comes to a new challenge or a new technique, it’s so much fun to try with with toys, from rope to clamps and even special rock climbing clothes we find.  It adds a lot to the overall fun of things and can really help the rock climbing experience.

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Sinful Sunday #39 – Stockings and Shadows

We had some fun playing with interesting shadows and the excuse to break out some wonderful stockings and lingerie for Charmer.  Had a great time with angles and shadows and color and of course any excuse I get, where I can say “just a little more leg” or “let me fix that lingerie for you…” is always a win.

Continue reading Sinful Sunday #39 – Stockings and Shadows

She Says My Voice Changes for Her

Dinner was wonderful.  Nice restaurant, great drinks, and the food was so good.  It was one of those casual “hits” where it all just comes together and makes it a relaxing, fun evening.  As we are walking out, you snuggle up under my arm, nuzzling in against me.

There is this weird, wonderful disconnect that I crave with you.  I can see in your eyes that the Domme side is running through you, but often, before we have play time, you have this tenderness about you, this intense tenderness that takes the world away.  This is one of those times and I slow down a bit walking to the car, just to extend the time.  Selfish, but really nice.

On our way home, you’re talking about friends, happenings, the week – just small talk.  You scoot over closer and put your hand on my cage just completely nonchalantly.  I look at you and grin and you don’t even look back to meet my gaze.  You just keep the conversation going.  You’re pretending it’s not happening, but within just a few seconds, that cage beneath your hands is fully-engaged and hiding what you do to me.

Continue reading She Says My Voice Changes for Her

Submission, D/s FLR, Getting it “Right”

It’s been an interesting time around the Snake den.  Some good, some challenging, you know, like normal life.  But I’m one to look back after the fact and try to dissect the good and the bad, try to understand it.  It’s my little present to Charmer, just to do my best to drive her a little nuts.

I’m learning.  A lot.  I’m learning that I have so much to grow into on the /s/ side of things.  I ‘m learning about the impact of small, tiny, eensy-weensy things that add up to mixed signals and weird outcomes.  Little missed cues, things like that.  Oh, and yes, the dreaded (cue the big booming voice) topping from the bottom.

Continue reading Submission, D/s FLR, Getting it “Right”

Prince Albert Piercing / PA – turns 1 year old

This last weekend (March 19th) is my one-year anniversary of getting my PA – my Prince Albert piercing. I wanted to follow up the other posts about this experience and give everyone an update.  Luckily, this isn’t about kids turning 1, so no huge array of pictures to endure. 🙂

There’s a link in the top menu bar to the other PA posts if you’re interested.  From just before to time since… it’s all there.

The PA has been, overall, a great thing.  I don’t say “overall” to take away anything from it.  I’d do it again in a heartbeat.

Here are some interesting bits I’ve learned over the last year…

Continue reading Prince Albert Piercing / PA – turns 1 year old

Elust #80

Elust 80 Penny's Dirty Thoughts
Photo courtesy of Penny’s Dirty Thoughts

Welcome to Elust #80

The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be included in Elust #81 Start with the rules, come back April 1st to submit something and subscribe to the RSS feed for updates!

~ This Month’s Top Three Posts ~

Something Meaningful
The debate goes on

~ Featured Post (Molly’s Picks) ~

No Take Backsies: Sexual “Politeness”
THE Process

~Readers Choice from Sexbytes ~

He’s not a Tumblr Dom

Continue reading Elust #80

FLR, D/s, Life and Kink

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