Elust 83 – So Much Unf!

Elust 82 Header Holden and Camille
Photo courtesy of Holden and Camille

Welcome to Elust #83

The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be included in Elust #84 Start with the rules, come back July 1st to submit something and subscribe to the RSS feed for updates!


~ This Month’s Top Three Posts ~

London Crows and London Kisses

I am Her. She is Me.

You Say You Want to Cook for Me


~ Featured Post (Molly’s Picks) ~

Unusual Liaison

Community. Respect. Friendship. Fucking.

~Readers Choice from Sexbytes ~

Dirty Little Secrets

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Orgasm Control vs. Orgasm Denial

Snake and I have been having this long winded discussion about whether we are doing control or denial.  This, of course, means that we have to actually figure out what we mean by those two words….

This all started last week when Thumper posted his May metrics.  We, being the nerds that we are, also have spreadsheets and ratios and all of that.  Thumper said that he was at 11 for the year so I had to check our stats.  Snake is at 6.

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Red Buns, Staying Put

There are many aspects of This Thing We Do (TTWD) that *seem* really mental or *seem* really physical.  But so many times, it ends up being both.

For me, that’s the case with impact play.  Honestly, I went into it thinking it was a mental “game” – just dealing with it and that I could get past it.  But the physical side of things surprises me every. single. time.

I’m “in training” I suppose – I’ve had times where we warm up and I feel pretty good about my control and response and even love it.  But then the times that come with no warm-up… not my favorite thing.  I’m still working on those times.

Continue reading “Red Buns, Staying Put”

What I’d Do If…

It all starts by kissing, just kissing.  It’s one of the most erotic, sensual things we can do – and every second of it is powerful.  I kiss down your neck, just there at the base of your neck on your shoulder.  I start with light kisses, and move to little nibbles and lingering kisses.  I can tell I’ve hit some of the right spots – your breathing changes ever so slightly in just those spots…

You reach out, grabbing the back of my head, embedding your hands in my hair, then squeezing a handful to use as a lever.  You’re steering me a bit now, already taking charge of where you want me.  You pull me up, kissing me deeply nibbling on me as you go.  Then you push me back to the other side and release just a bit, letting me wander down your neck, to your shoulder, then out a bit and back.

Continue reading “What I’d Do If…”

Scrabble Part 3 – The Results

Well… THAT was fun!

We started out the weekend with a bang, but ran into time and, well, privacy constraints… but still made a go of it.  The overall rules (linked above) said I had to get to at least 12 tiles.

But you have to know, going in, that in my heart, I’m an engineer.  So you know too that I would be working out that magical nexus of risk/reward in terms of reducing or extending my wait time.  Of course it’s based on letters actually picked, but it certainly becomes an issue as you work through the challenge.

Continue reading “Scrabble Part 3 – The Results”

Making Dinner

When I walk in you ask me to tell you about my day – we start some typical banter, I realize that everything I say is met with “mmmhmmm” and “oh, I see…” in an exaggerated way.   You could not care less what I’m talking about and you are somewhere else as we get things around to start making dinner.

I try to find out what’s up, but you’re having none of it, egging me in to tell you more about my day.  But you stay disjointed, truly uninterested in this comic way.  I finally start to give up and start to move away and you stop.

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The Scrabble Tiles Are Out Again

Long weekends seem to bring out the fun-loving spontaneous side of me.  Or, as Snake likes to put it, the evil and devious side of me.  [Snake: I think that depends on your perspective.  “fun-loving” – I do think “devious” is more apt] Either way, it’s time for another Scrabble challenge. If you don’t remember the previous ones, here is the first challenge and here is the second one.

[Snake: I KNEW this was coming.  After two wins, I even told her after the last one that I was sure that the next one was going to be on the hairy edge of impossible.  She hasn’t disappointed.]

Continue reading “The Scrabble Tiles Are Out Again”

Sinful Sunday #43 – Framed by Steel

My favorite days are when Charmer walks up to me and proclaims that “she’s in a mood.”  In our previous life, it might have  been “in THE mood” but now, it’s quite a different thing when she says she’s in A mood.

It means her Domme side is in full gear.

It usually means all sorts of other things too, but I’ll leave that to your imagination, or to a different post here.

Continue reading “Sinful Sunday #43 – Framed by Steel”

Update….Yup—Still Around

I know the Snake Den has been pretty quiet recently.  There have been pics and the rare post and story, but not the usual stuff.  Muggle life has been keeping us way too busy…

Work… blah, blah, blah… family… blah, blah, blah… miscellaneous nonsense… blah, blah, blah…  You get the picture and it’s boring and the same for everyone so, yeah…

Continue reading “Update….Yup—Still Around”

Photo: The Wartenberg Wheel

Ah yes.  The wheel.  We’ve written about it before, and it remains one of Charmer’s favorite toys to amp up the physical side of things.  It’s a weird thing, that wheel is.  When it first starts, even the slightest rolling over my skin is crazy sharp.

Give me a few minutes though and pretty much anything, anywhere works and even starts to feel good.  It’s something I’ll never understand.  And it’s not every time either, though it is pretty reliable.

So, today’s picture – is one of Charmer’s toys from her bag of tricks.

Continue reading “Photo: The Wartenberg Wheel”

Elust #82

Elust 82 Header
Photo courtesy of Teachers Have Sex

Welcome to Elust #82

The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be included in Elust #83 Start with the rules, come back June 1st to submit something and subscribe to the RSS feed for updates!


~ This Month’s Top Three Posts ~

Take Me

How Do I Love Thee:On Comparing Relationships

Asking all the questions…

~ Featured Post (Molly’s Picks) ~

Erotic Fiction: Fishnet Queen

I Manage My Expectations

~Readers Choice from Sexbytes ~

Wanna Have Sex With Me? – Here’s how

~From SteeledSnake.com ~

She Says My Voice Changes for Her


Continue reading “Elust #82”

Rope and Fixtures

We are both excited to try out some new items that have arrived.  We set aside the time to just relax, goof around and then get down to the business of new toys and options. As we’re sitting there talking and just trying to turn off the day, you tell me that you need me to go get “the box” and “the furniture.”

Seems a little strange, perhaps.  But I expected the box, that’s where our new rope is.  But the furniture is a different story and intent.  When I come back with the different things after a couple of trips, you just point to the middle of the room where you’ve moved the table and have a blanket out.

I lay out our brand new rope and you tell me I just need to check out and come back in a bit.  I look at you oddly but you just grin and let me know that you’d prefer I not say a word, instead just let you do whatever comes to mind in whatever way it comes to mind.  Sure, safewords are in place, but anything short of that, just let it happen.

Continue reading “Rope and Fixtures”