Thought I’d use my Valentine’s gift to point out Snake’s awesome butt…
FPF14 – Valentine’s Day
Have to have a little fun on Valentine’s Day, yes? Complete with subtle suggestions on what’s next.
Will you be our valentine?
Valentine’s Day Preparations
Time to break out the chocolate to celebrate…
Continue reading Valentine’s Day Preparations
FPF- Can Ya’ Spare A Dime?
This was an outtake from the “Change” prompt that fit pretty well too with the whole negative space thing. Thought it was a funky angle and fun picture all around.
So, yeah… “Hey buddy, can ya spare a dime?” seems pretty on-point. 🙂
Negative Space, Positive Image, And Just a Touch of Blue
Sinful Sunday #80, Feb Photo Fest 11
This was our alternate for last week’s negative space prompt. It’s harder than I imagined to take pictures that fulfill this prompt, and it was great fun practicing. 🙂
… Just a touch of blue (Can you find it? Click for full size image)
Continue reading Negative Space, Positive Image, And Just a Touch of Blue
Boobday — Bursting at the Seams
There are just days when they just don’t want to be contained….
FPF9 – It’s Great To Be Tall
We were heading out for date night and I realized – we were both wearing boots. What a perfect opportunity (nay, EXCUSE) to take a picture from above. Aren’t the boots great?!
The view from above of those boots really gave me pause. I really love the shape of them, the show off against the clothes so well. The lines, curve of the front of the boot, just really like it.
Do you like boots?
I could stare at boots all day long.
But then I’d probably get slapped.
FPF8 – Anyone Lend Me a Hand?
Having some fun today with the reds…
FPF7 – Quite the Mane
We were goofing around, looking to get a picture of the wonderful locks on Charmer (I’m biased, of course).
In the spirit of the photo fest – it’s harder than it may seem to get interesting pictures (and correctly colored pictures) of someone’s hair. We experimented with and without flash and the coloring was completely different. This is one of the things I love about this meme, an excuse to experiment!
Red Toes
Pampering 101… Pedicure by Snake
FPF5 – Let the Game(s) begin
It’s game day and Charmer is ready to go…
Happy Feb Photo Fest Day 5!
Sinful Sunday #79 — Minimalist Landscape
For the monthly prompt, Snake and I decided to go for a lot of negative space and just a little bit of skin…
Boobday – Victoria’s Secret
What’s that song…?
“Victoria’s secret ain’t a secret no more…”
Wine, Water and Reading Material…
…seems like a really good way to spend a Wednesday night.
FPF 1 – What? Not Stealthy Enough?
Had a hard time landing on the title for this one – the actual title above won out, but could have gone with …
“My eyes are up here”
“Did someone need a mirror?”
“Too see-thru?”
Happy February 1 – and the first day of February Photo Fest 2017!
Sinful Sunday #78 — Shadows and Light
One of our favorite photo techniques is playing with light and shadows. And, being the human cat that I am, sitting in the sunshine really isn’t much of a hardship…
Continue reading Sinful Sunday #78 — Shadows and Light
Boobday – Fresh out of the Shower
First thing out of the shower, a “spot of tea” and voila! A picture that I couldn’t wait to take. 🙂
Leg Porn – Required Picture
One of the surprise things, for me, in all of this has been the discovery of the workout side of things. I’ve learned so much from different people, and a few in particular, about workouts, nutrition, all of that. While I’m certainly no powerlifter, I do feel like I’ve found some workouts that I really love chasing.
Sinful Sunday #77 — What’s a Girl Got to Do…
…to get a refill around here?
Continue reading Sinful Sunday #77 — What’s a Girl Got to Do…
Boobday -Oops, that slipped.
Happy Friday, and happy boobday everyone!
I tried to convince her to open up, but alas, she was having none of that. She’s just so shy.
Elust #90 – So Many Incredible Posts to Read!
Photo courtesy of Rebel’s Notes
Welcome to Elust 90–
The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be included in Elust #91 Start with the rules, come back February 1st to submit something and subscribe to the RSS feed for updates!
~ This Month’s Top Three Posts ~
~ Featured Post (Molly’s Picks) ~
How to suck my cock – part 1 (attitude)
~Readers Choice from Sexbytes ~
Continue reading Elust #90 – So Many Incredible Posts to Read!
Gotta Love Concert T’s
Everyone (I think or assume) has that favorite concert shirt (or shirts) – amiright? This happens to be mine. What d’ya think?
Sinful Sunday#76 – Her Hair is On FIRE!
I liked this for fun reasons, but also because her hair looks like flames! How fun. How realistic! *ducks and runs*
Happy Sinful Sunday everyone!
Boobday — Sphinx?
When Snake snapped this shot, he told me that I looked like a sphinx. I only see boobs, but what do you think?
Reflecting On Life and Steel
It’s strange the things that this thing we do influences. You can read all about the kink side of it, the submissive side of it, the control part of it. But there is this whole mentality side of it too.