Wicked Wednesday: Curtains

The storm blowing through is one of those that the rain isn’t constant, the wind is gusty but not obnoxious and the smells of the storm are almost as “loud” as the thunder and rumbling from the storm itself.  It’s a wonderful summery storm and it’s otherwise pitch black outside.  Every now and then the lightning explodes across the sky, lighting everything up.

From my office, I have my french doors mostly closed to the rest of the house, but we have opened windows and doors everywhere we can to let the storm have its way with the house.  My doors have these light, wispy curtains on them, you can see through them in just the right light.

I’m working, but we have lights out so we can enjoy the storm.  I kick back and look up just as a flash blows through the house and I see you out the other room, sideways, but slouched a bit in that leather chair.  Something about that posture…

Continue reading Wicked Wednesday: Curtains

Wicked Wednesday – Conviction

“Dom-space” has always been a fascinating thing to me.  Everyone always focuses on sub-space, that floaty, other-worldly feeling that you can get to if the stars align, if you jump around just so on your left foot and if you chase it down and allow it in.

When you settle in for impact play, it’s extremely challenging to be able to give responses, give control, let the impacts roar through you.  Each time there is a smack or the ends of the flogger make contact, or the crop bites into you, there is an instant connection between you and the Dominant partner.

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Just a Tug, and a Wrap

It started innocently enough.  We were messing around, joking about this or that, had already had dinner.  It was one of those really casual, easy evenings where everyone’s guard is down, everyone’s just relaxed.

I go to sit down next to you on the couch and don’t think much of it.  After I sit though, I can feel your eyes burning into me.  I look up to see that, sure enough, you’re staring straight at me with this… look.  You know me and looks, so I’m trying to figure out what I’ve done that wasn’t quite right.

Continue reading Just a Tug, and a Wrap

Sometimes I Talk Too Much

What a glorious day – the beach is beautiful, the sun is perfect.  Not too hot, but that special warmth on the skin that makes you want to just take pause and lean back and enjoy it.  There’s a slight breeze even, coming off the ocean and through the small bushes and trees up and down the beach.  We have this perfect spot, clean sand, some greenery, easy short trip to the cabana bar and just… silence.

Continue reading Sometimes I Talk Too Much

Snake Bites, Bruises and Absentmindedness

When I woke up, I felt a sharp, not altogether good feeling bite from inside my cage.  It felt off a bit.  I was used to pressure in the tube.  Used to pinches from time to time from the PA and the “fixing” for that.  Even around the various points of the cage itself.  But this felt… different.

Continue reading Snake Bites, Bruises and Absentmindedness

Elust #103

Photo courtesy of Tits and Test Tubes

Welcome to Elust 103

The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be included in Elust #104 Start with the rules, come back March 1st to submit something and subscribe to the RSS feed for updates!


~ This Month’s Top Three Posts ~

The Friend and The Acquaintance

The dress rehearsal

Lake Malawi

~ Featured Post (Molly’s Picks) ~

Color Me Kinky

A Slow Burn on a Summer Night.

~Readers Choice from Sexbytes ~

Voodoo Me

Continue reading Elust #103

FLR, D/s, Life and Kink

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