15 minutes.

Have you ever wondered if you could maintain something for 15 minutes if the stakes were high enough, that you weren’t used to lasting that long unrelentingly?  How’s that for a question?

Well, I’ve thought about it.  I mean, not unprompted, of course.  The prompting comes from you…

You sit down, cozying up next to me with this grin on your face.  “We’re going to give you a test today!” is how you open the challenge.  “Do you have a favorite metronome speed?

Continue reading “15 minutes.”

Release Now

It’s another night of the game, that for some reason I seem to draw edging a lot,  and tonight is another bout of it.  These are all about almost performing the edging and I go into this all, well, cocky.  Feeling like it’ll be nice and fun and easy and…

Continue reading “Release Now”

But that would be too easy…

It’s been a really long day and as we’re just sitting chatting, you keep talking, but stand up and do this extremely slow, deliberate undressing.  If you were only listening to what’s going on, you’d not even realize something had changed; you keep up the conversation, you keep asking questions, the whole bit.

But if I stop to watch, or make any indication that I “notice” (puhleaze, not something I will miss), you stop and just look at me until it’s back to normal. Then you move forward… button by agonizing button.  Untucking, undressing, even throwing in some gyrating…

Continue reading “But that would be too easy…”

Wicked Wednesday: The Foreplay Masquerade Ball

You straighten my tie, patting down the lapels of my jacket… then stand back and grin.  It gives me a chance to take you in – very simple, very sleek formal gown and high heels, a fantastic silver necklace that plunges down the open cleavage showing through the drape of your dress.  As I stand there, taking you in, you’re doing the same to me, making sure everything is just so.

…and you’re wearing those boxer briefs I put out for you too, right?” finally punches through my fog.  “Yes.  Although I don’t know what that has to do with anything.”  You had been very specific about clothes, and very tight-lipped about where we’re going.

You’ll see.  You do need to read the rules first though.


Shhhhh… just read.”  It looks like a formal invitation, envelope and all…

Continue reading “Wicked Wednesday: The Foreplay Masquerade Ball”

Elust 106 – Awesome reading!

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Photo courtesy of submiss34f

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The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be included in Elust #107? Start with the rules, come back June 1st to submit something and subscribe to the RSS feed for updates!


~ This Month’s Top Three Posts ~

Orgasms Save Me From Myself

Charlie’s Bar

I’m Not Ready to Love My Body


~ Featured Post (Molly’s Picks) ~

Letters and Lonely Hearts

I Want to Curve and Ache

~Readers Choice from Sexbytes ~

Don’t fear the smear

Continue reading “Elust 106 – Awesome reading!”