Construction Site (WW Prompt, first post on timeline)

The recent rains were brutal on the not-yet-paved roads out to the new lot. While I was really excited about the location, the truck was bouncing around so much that I am having second thoughts about how it is going to be when storms rolled through. I found that if I gunned it over the normal washboard stuff, it smoothed out.

You? You want me to gun it the entire way up the hill. Through the seemingly ocean-sized puddles, over the ravines, down the gullies. It’s like watching you ride a mechanical bull, hands in the air, grinning from ear to ear as I fight the steering and bouncing around.

It’s great!

Continue reading Construction Site (WW Prompt, first post on timeline)

Technical Sex: Control

This… thing that we do. It all started with just goofing off with kink. It quickly progressed to so many things, so much experimenting, and so much learning. I felt a little like I’d been a slacker all my life, just kind of learning as I go.

Kink, or whatever you want to call this thing we do, showed that you can always be learning here too. She was learning about me, me about her. One of the things that I homed in on early on was control. As in orgasm control. You don’t say “yes,” it doesn’t happen kind of control.

Continue reading Technical Sex: Control

FLR, D/s, Life and Kink

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