Since I have been with Snake more of my life than without him, picking songs becomes a challenge because there are so many.
Continue reading “Soundtrack of Charmer and Snake”Back(side) Rubs
There’s something about the touch. I can’t seem to get enough of it, no matter what the stress of the day has brought, or what other things are swirling around, taking that time to touch, massage, relax your muscles…
Continue reading “Back(side) Rubs”We Miss Traveling
Snake and I tend to take quite a few short trips each year. Several to visit family as well as one or two that are just for us to get time to reconnect.
Continue reading “We Miss Traveling”Rainy Memories
“Remember that day when it rained so much when we were in New York?”
Continue reading “Rainy Memories”Sinful Fabric, Curves, and Shadows
No secret that lines and shadows are among my favorite ways to dress, or undress, Charmer…
Continue reading “Sinful Fabric, Curves, and Shadows”Charmer’s Take on Only the Good Die Young
I admit that this was the first song that I thought to write about with this prompt. And then I tried to think of another because it was one of my first anthems and I figured that I must have moved past that by now. And started spinning and asked Snake what song told about me and guess what he said? Yup.
Continue reading “Charmer’s Take on Only the Good Die Young”Picnic in the Park
We need a change of scenery so we head to the park for a date night picnic. You pack the food, a bottle of wine, two glasses and a blanket to sit on.
Continue reading “Picnic in the Park”Boobday… Dreamy
Continue reading “Boobday… Dreamy”Expectation of Service
I am spoiled. Totally admit that. Snake takes care of most of the house chores except cooking and he does that on Saturdays if we are cooking at home. Laundry, cleaning, garbage and lately even grocery shopping.
Continue reading “Expectation of Service”Charmer’s Take on Photography
Even as a kid I have always taken a lot of photos. We have boxes and albums of my photos and Snake’s photos. Digital just added to the sheer numbers because we don’t have to take them to be developed. And other than storage space, they are free.
Continue reading “Charmer’s Take on Photography”Dipping the Toe Back In….
Hey….Yes, I know. We’ve been absent. Life has been crazy here just like with everyone else in the world and we just needed some time to hide and try to figure out any sort of normal.
Continue reading “Dipping the Toe Back In….”Springtime by the Pool
Saturday morning arrives with sun and warmth. It’s still spring so the pool isn’t warm enough to swim, but it is warm enough to be outside in shorts.
Continue reading “Springtime by the Pool”Boobday – Reddddddd
Boobday should be colorful.
Continue reading “Boobday – Reddddddd”Mothers and Grandmothers
I’ve written about my mother several times, at least here and here. I almost did the really lazy thing–see yesterday’s post–and just linked up one of those for this prompt.
Continue reading “Mothers and Grandmothers”Blogging and Writer’s Block
The past few weeks have definitely been a challenge with writing. I’m not an inspired writer without something to play off to begin with and the inability to do my “normal” messes with my head.
Continue reading “Blogging and Writer’s Block”Memory Lane
The DVR is getting empty and the streaming options are not looking interesting so what are we to do on date night?
Continue reading “Memory Lane”I Love Lines and Curves
I think boobday is a great time to show off lines and curves… don’t you? *evil grin*
Continue reading “I Love Lines and Curves”Not Insomnia
I very very rarely have insomnia. I can probably count on my fingers the number of times that I actually can’t sleep–occasionally not stay asleep, but even that is a rarity.
Continue reading “Not Insomnia”Myth Busting by Charmer
There are always so many myths surrounding D/s and FLR. So many come from books, TV and movies–they get it wrong so much more often than they get it right.
Continue reading “Myth Busting by Charmer”Sheltered Date Night
With the world where things are right now, date night has to be adjusted. No more deciding on the spur of the moment that we want to eat out. There has to be more planning and less spontaneity which you know doesn’t make me happy.
Continue reading “Sheltered Date Night”SoSS 24
Here’s hoping that all of you are healthy and safe and have what you need. These are some of the images and writings that caught our eye this week. [Note: I know this is a day late–life had to be dealt with yesterday. New normal]
Continue reading “SoSS 24”Boobday: Shelter in place edition
These are weird times. But it’s important, too, to have some really cool thing(s) to look at to keep distracted. Just sayin.
Continue reading “Boobday: Shelter in place edition”Boundaries
Content warning: Deals with current events and 9/11
Boundaries are a struggle for me. I tend to go either too loose or totally tighten them down. I don’t compromise very well with them at all.
Continue reading “Boundaries”About That Hugging
Today’s topic is all about hugging. Sounds a bit cheesy perhaps on the outset, but bear with me. Hugging, for us, is a very versatile thing. Hugging is a calming thing, when things go nutty, a recovery thing after a scene or … correction.
Continue reading “About That Hugging”Anniversary Scrabble–The Results
Yes–we did finally finish the game that I started on the 6th…. It ended on Saturday night with my backrub and happy ending.
Continue reading “Anniversary Scrabble–The Results”