It’s a lazy Sunday morning–we eventually have to get up and do THE THINGS. But, for now, while it is still cool in the house, we lazily snuggle.
Continue reading “L is for Lazy”P is for Pool
Summertime is still in full swing here with the triple digit temperatures.
Continue reading “P is for Pool”W is for Waves
I love the ocean. Actually, I love watching the ocean, walking along the beach in ankle-deep water, and listening to the ocean. Swimming in it? Not really.
Continue reading “W is for Waves”F is for Flexible
I know–you all think that I’m just easygoing and nothing every fazes me. It’s the vibe that I always give off. Not.
Continue reading “F is for Flexible”H is for Hot
We are under a excessive heat warning through Sunday night here–not that unusual for the desert but it is definitely a bit more toasty than we are used to. Usually by now we are well into the crazy thunderstorms of monsoon season. The storms seem to be playing a game of hide and seek this year.
Continue reading “H is for Hot”S is for Sixth Sense
The first time that I remember having THAT feeling, I was in 4th grade. It was a Sunday night after dinner and just before the phone rang, I told my mom that grandma was going to call. The phone rang less than a minute later with her telling us that my grandfather had died.
Continue reading “S is for Sixth Sense”E is for Erotic
Well, you didn’t think that all of my words would be SFW, did you?
Continue reading “E is for Erotic”A is for Alone (Together)
Those of you with extended families might understand the rules for watching TV series–there are some that you can only watch when all of you are there. You can’t cheat and watch ahead even if there is nothing else to watch.
Continue reading “A is for Alone (Together)”G is for Green
We thought that we would take an old picture and give it a new color pop….
Continue reading “G is for Green”P is for P!nk
She “technically” is in the 1990s because she was in a band 1995-1998 and started her first solo album in 1999 to be released in 2000.
Continue reading “P is for P!nk”L is for Liberating
If you had asked me what was liberating last year, I’m not sure what my answer would have been. It wasn’t really a thought because I wasn’t feeling constrained.
Continue reading “L is for Liberating”J is for Jessica
Jessica Rabbit, that is. Are any of you surprised that she is my favorite ‘toon? And, yes, it only took 5 days for me to skip around the alphabet…
Continue reading “J is for Jessica”D is for (Skinny) Dipping
I might have mentioned that we spend a lot of the summer in the pool…
Continue reading “D is for (Skinny) Dipping”C is for Caress
One of the best things about summer is time. Things slow down, you get to relax and spend time just enjoying each other.
Continue reading “C is for Caress”B…is for Black
The day is done, all sorts of things accomplished. She vanishes to head to bed, get ready do all the normal things of bedtime…
Continue reading “B…is for Black”A is for Arizona
The first thing that we always get when people learn that we live in the desert Southwest is “But how do you survive it being so hot?” Followed by the assumption that we live in a kitty litter box.
Continue reading “A is for Arizona”Snake Den A to Z–Prompt for August
Time to start up those blogs–and if you don’t have one, feel free to send the post/picture to us and we’ll be happy to host it for you.
Continue reading “Snake Den A to Z–Prompt for August”Strengths and Weaknesses
I tend to be nitpicky. I tend to be obsessive. I’m quick to anger. I am stubborn. I hate criticism. I’m sure Snake could help with other traits that aren’t coming to mind.
Continue reading “Strengths and Weaknesses”Is it Fate?
I have never had a good relationship with the idea of fate or destiny or whatever your word of choice is.
Time for a Snake Den Meme
Yes, I know…I haven’t really written in a LONG time….did you miss us?
Let me just be honest. No one would have wanted to hear from me in this sexy space the last Thisdays (that’s what I named the endless day after day of sameness). You might be surprised to hear this but I am a control freak.

YES! Really. I know it is a surprise and I hide it so well.
So, being that control freak, everything out of my control has not been a pretty picture. I have ranted and railed and sulked. I pulled back from most social media because more news just wasn’t helping.
That said, life is starting to have little shoots of green around here. We’ve been out to a couple of really small restaurants that are being safe and are local favorites for date night. I want to say that I’m the easy-going person who can dress up for a date in the house with delivery and make it OK when I really want to be out. I’m not.
Writing just wasn’t really going to flow and it wasn’t fun like it should be. So, I backed away and took some time.
But, it is time to restart things. I am not, however, a person who writes well without a spark to get me going. That’s where the meme comes in.
We will be starting an A-Z meme aptly named the Snake Den A-Z. Clever, huh? Each month will be a different prompt. For August, it will be Summer.
What are the rules? Put the badge on your photo, poem, fiction, article, dissertation or anything else that says summer to you. Want to start with X? Go for it. Only want to do one for the entire month? Go you!
I am not promising that I will do every letter or do them in order. They might be tied to another meme so that they jump around. I MIGHT even repeat a letter. You never know how crazy I’ll get.
So, by Friday we will have the badge on the site and you can grab it. And if you are on Twitter, use the hashtag #SnakeDenAtoZ. Link to badge…
Hope you will join in the fun!!!
Boobday – Lace and Light
Today is boobday – Friday – and we’re here to share… well, Charmer is here to share.
Boobday – Aaaaahhhh…. relaxing
Or frustratingly shimmery.
Continue reading “Boobday – Aaaaahhhh…. relaxing”Spring Here is Summer Everywhere Else
When I think of spring in Tucson, I think of getting out and doing things. The weather is sunny, but the extreme heat hasn’t set in yet so we usually do a lot of things like the Renaissance Festival and other outdoor fairs.
Continue reading “Spring Here is Summer Everywhere Else”How’s Your Palate?
“We’re going to play a game,” I say, swishing the wine around in my glass.
Continue reading “How’s Your Palate?”Boobday… RAWR Print
Sometimes, it’s all about the print…
Continue reading “Boobday… RAWR Print”