The black and white aspect really highlights the details on the pattern–I like it!
Continue reading B is for Black (Panties)M is for Massage
At least three times a week, Snake gives me a massage. Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday are definites.
Continue reading M is for MassageF is for Feast
Our life has a lot of history repeating itself. We travel to the same places that our families had gone. Snake and I renewed our wedding vows as my parents had done. Different method, but the same idea.
Continue reading F is for FeastS is for Sunshine
We suffer through triple digit temperatures May through September here in the desert.
Continue reading S is for SunshineD is for December Prompt
Tuesday starts the last month of the year. I think most of us are ready to say goodbye to 2020. It’s been a long year.
Continue reading D is for December PromptT is for Tree
The weekend after Thanksgiving is the weekend that we put up the Christmas decorations.
Continue reading T is for TreeB is for Bath
I was surprised how much the sepia made the chrome pop and my feet fade into the background.
Continue reading B is for BathT is for Turkey
Today is Thanksgiving here in the U.S. We’ll be cooking a turkey like a lot of other people.
Continue reading T is for TurkeyL is for Love
Anyone who has read even a few of our posts will know that Snake is my person.
Continue reading L is for LoveG is for (Do You Want to Play a) Game?
I happened to see this writing prompt and I found it fascinating.
Continue reading G is for (Do You Want to Play a) Game?N is for No Way
I actually wasn’t going to write for this prompt–I felt like I really didn’t have much to say because tickling is not part of our play or even life.
Continue reading N is for No WayU is for Undecided
As I do when I’m looking for writing inspiration, I started looking through quotes and lyrics on Pinterest. This is after I had scrolled through the newest photos on Pexels. When I don’t have a prompt that I’m writing to, these are my usual ways to come up with ideas.
Continue reading U is for UndecidedJ is for Just a Hint of Purple
Played a bit with filtering the color so there is only a wee bit of the purple remaining…
Continue reading J is for Just a Hint of PurpleK is for Key
The note on the table is cryptic.
Continue reading K is for KeyT is for Trust
I’ve written before that I tend to trust more than mistrust when I first meet people. I’m sure that it came from growing up in a household where we trusted each other and respected each other. Trust came with love.
Continue reading T is for TrustS is for Something
I saw a quote today that really spoke to me about life right now. Everything feels uncertain and it is hard to know what to do next at times.
Continue reading S is for SomethingF is for Flowers
It’s amazing how taking the color away makes the design look so much more abstract…they really are blue flowers.
Continue reading F is for FlowersC is for Chill
Wednesday night is date night here.
Continue reading C is for ChillU is for Unrequited Love
The funny thing about unrequited love is that Snake and I both started in that position. We were both dating other people and were friends. Nothing more.
Continue reading U is for Unrequited LoveS is for Sunrise/Sunset
We are incredibly lucky to live in a place where there are often beautiful sunrises and sunsets.
Continue reading S is for Sunrise/SunsetB is for Burning
We sit talking in the cabin, just the two of us. There is a slight breeze coming through the window and it is catching the candle flame and making it sway.
Continue reading B is for BurningP is for Peek
Sometimes date night is out–sometimes it is in. And when it’s, it’s fun to wander past Snake and give him a glimpse of the missing lingerie.
Continue reading P is for PeekF is for Fuschia
We took this picture last week while we were playing with the Halloween prompt. This week I gave it a bit of a pop–looks a little burlesque-y, doesn’t it?
Continue reading F is for FuschiaS is for Salmon
I’m going to put out a really unpopular opinion or preference or however you would like to characterize it. I don’t like salmon.
Continue reading S is for SalmonA is for Authentic
I have no idea if a year ago my turn ons/turn offs would have been the same, but I think this year comes down to one word. Authentic.
Continue reading A is for Authentic