Winter is totally perfect for plaid….
Continue reading “P is for Plaid”F is for February Prompt
It’s time for a new prompt in the Snake Den. February is typically hearts and roses and love, but I thought I’d do a slight spin on that.
Continue reading “F is for February Prompt”M is for Misty
I edited another one of my morning images for Snake this week. A little soft focus, a little cropping and black and white.
Continue reading “M is for Misty”F is for Father-in-Law
Snake’s dad died last week from Covid. He was relatively healthy, he was 80 and in remission from lung cancer, and then he was gone. This is a brutal and horrible virus.
Continue reading “F is for Father-in-Law”T is for Teenager
Once I got to high school, I was a weirdly popular person. Not in the cheerleader popular sense, but in the sense that I had a lot of friends.
Continue reading “T is for Teenager”S is for Scones
I started plotting my MMM and couldn’t get off the thought of whipped cream. I’m sure that the shake that I watched Snake drink the other night didn’t help, plus I was plotting whipped cream for the berries for dinner tonight.
Continue reading “S is for Scones”D is for Discipline
As a Domme, I am all about discipline. We have rules and expectations that are clear and pretty straightforward. Exceptions, of course, for life but for the most part, our D/s life runs smoothly.
Continue reading “D is for Discipline”H is for Hair
Played around a bit with this picture that was one that I sent to Snake this week.
Continue reading “H is for Hair”H is for Hug
Today, January 21st, is National Hug Day. In other countries it is called Hug or Hugging Day.
Continue reading “H is for Hug”Days of Wine and Libraries
The rental house looked perfect online. Secluded and with a beautiful pond and patio outside. We had our fingers crossed that it would be just as perfect when we arrived.
Continue reading “Days of Wine and Libraries”O is for Oasis
We’ve been working on our backyard on and off for three years. Part of the delay was the pandemic, of course, but there has also been triple digit temperatures, lack of time, laziness and procrastination.
Continue reading “O is for Oasis”S is for Snuggle
It is date night in.
Continue reading “S is for Snuggle”C is for Collar
This is Part 3, her perspective. Be sure to read part 1, here, and part 2, here.
Bree stopped just inside the entrance and turned to Gabe. “Stay here. I’ll be back with the keys.”
Continue reading “C is for Collar”P is for Prickly
Snake got me a new set of gloves for a New Year’s gift….
Continue reading “P is for Prickly”N is for Newlyweds
I wrote last week about the upcoming wedding and thought I’d do a brief update.
Continue reading “N is for Newlyweds”I is for Impulsive
I am impulsive. I usually use the term spontaneous because it sounds more fun and less chaotic, but there’s a reason why I can’t play any DnD character who isn’t chaotic.
Continue reading “I is for Impulsive”D is for DnD
This is Part 2, his perspective. Be sure to read part 1, here.
The day was another one – just seemingly on top of all of the others, so much to do, so much that seems important, but the at the end of the day, it’s just a blur of frustration and aggravation that led to too few things getting actually done. So many calls. So many emails.
Continue reading “D is for DnD”S is for Strawberry
I’m going to let you in on a little secret–Snake loves strawberries. Well, most fruit. He also has a fondness for mandarin oranges (Clementines or Cuties) and green frozen grapes.
Continue reading “S is for Strawberry”H is for (Bad) Habits
While I could enumerate a lot of silly bad habits like biting my nails when I am really stressed or procrastination or whatever, those aren’t my real bad habit.
Continue reading “H is for (Bad) Habits”I is for Icy
It is winter–even if it doesn’t feel like it here–so I thought I’d try for a bit of an icy feel to this picture.
Continue reading “I is for Icy”F is for Fika

I saw this today while I was looking for inspiration and thought it was perfect for a fresh start.
Even during the best of times, it feels like we always need to slow down and take a break. Sometimes with friends and sometimes alone, but we need to catch our breath, relax and refresh ourselves.
So today, try to take a few minutes to treat yourself and maybe reconnect with a friend or with yourself, have a coffee or tea and just be.

A is for Adventures
Even under the best of circumstances, I don’t make resolutions or big plans for a new year. Yes, we’ll plan vacations or something like that, but we don’t tend to resolve to do x or y.
Continue reading “A is for Adventures”W is for Wedding
As usual, I went looking for a quote to use for this post. What I found is that a lot of the “new beginning” quotes just don’t feel quite right this year.
Continue reading “W is for Wedding”D is for (the) Drive
Bree closed the top of the suitcase and zipped it up, patting it and turning to Gabe. “This is the last one.”
Continue reading “D is for (the) Drive”O is for Out With the Old
2020 is past and I don’t imagine most of us will miss it. For my first post of 2021, and the first one of the fresh start prompt, I thought I’d share my morning fresh start.
Continue reading “O is for Out With the Old”