MMMmmmmmm… She says in her sleep… I think.
Continue reading C is for Chastity: That Overnight PressureI is for Imagine
“What are you thinking about?” he asked.
Continue reading I is for ImagineE is for Expectations
When I first started thinking about this prompt, all of the quotes talked about making sure you have low expectations to avoid being hurt or disappointed. While that way be true for the “outer world,” I don’t want to live that way within our marriage and dynamic.
Continue reading E is for ExpectationsP is For (Her) Prey
It’s strange how quickly a scene can change, and how it can be physically, mentally, or both.
But it sure does.
Continue reading P is For (Her) PreyL is for Lines
Just a relaxing Sunday afternoon in the Snake Den….
Continue reading L is for LinesW is for Wine
Nothing like a bath….and a little wine….
Continue reading W is for WineG is for Glistening
Just a little edit on a “good morning” picture for Snake.
Continue reading G is for GlisteningH is for Honeysuckle
Living in the Sonoran Desert, seasons tend to have different dates than most of the Northern Hemisphere. While Spring is still well over a month away, it is here already.
Continue reading H is for HoneysuckleT is for Training Day
He woke up to something hitting his chest. “What the…” He looked down and saw his cuffs and collar both on and next to him where they had fallen.
Continue reading T is for Training DayRealities of Chastity – Suddenly, it is Chafing!
I’ve been doing this chastity thing now for several years – and life happens along the way. I wanted to quickly share something I’ve had to re-learn just recently.
Continue reading Realities of Chastity – Suddenly, it is Chafing!W is for Wrap Dress
Last Wednesday on date night, I thought I’d dress up a little bit…
Continue reading W is for Wrap DressS is for Sunlight
Nothing like a lazy Sunday morning with a little bit of sunlight…
Continue reading S is for SunlightL is for Listening
Part 1 (Hers), Part 2 (His), Part 3 (Hers), Part 4 (His)
Bree waited as Gabe paused and considered her command. She knew that it was well outside of his comfort zone to be on possible display to people in surrounding cottages. She also knew that the angles of the balconies made it very difficult to see one another. But he didn’t know that.
Continue reading L is for ListeningM is for Mine
I shared several photos from this on Wednesday, but I thought I’d play around with some color edits on my favorite.
Continue reading M is for MineC is for Charmer’s Choice
One of the things that most pushes my buttons on the /s side of things is the mind games. NOT Scrabble, but actual screwing with my head and bending things around to show control.
Continue reading C is for Charmer’s ChoiceC is for Canvas
I’ve written before about a lot of my creative hobbies–scrapbooking and photography and writing.
Continue reading C is for CanvasP is for Pizza
We actually don’t have a lot of traditions in the Snake Den. Or at least not ones that I consider strange.
Continue reading P is for PizzaS is for Shift
Part 1 (Hers), Part 2 (His), Part 3 (Hers)
The shifting attitude was subtle at first. In fact, it came across more as a confidence thing than anything else. It was really cool. Obviously, Bree had taken the time to set up all of the arrangements, had a plan (or at least a framework in mind), and was making sure that she maintained the direction and control. Even as they walked into the lobby, first motioning, then telling Gabe he needed to stay with the bags and wait.
Continue reading S is for ShiftJ is for Jacket
This was a birthday present from Snake–so I thought I’d model it for him….
Continue reading J is for Jacket/s Headspace
Headspace is a weird thing for me. When I saw the prompt, I thought about how that all comes into play when, well, when we play. I immediately went to “Sub-space” – but I am learning that there is actually more to it than that.
Continue reading /s HeadspaceT is for Texture
This sweater is bright red, but I love how you notice all of the texture on the sweater and pillow when it is sepia.
Continue reading T is for TextureM is for Making Circles
I’ve written several posts about love songs that are special to Snake and me. The Rose was our first song, but there are always new ones that stick around for a while here or there.
Continue reading M is for Making CirclesP is for Passion
Passion is one of those things that I am never in short supply of. Harnessing the passion for the odd thing does become an issue on a more regular basis than I like to admit.
Continue reading P is for PassionE is for Edgefield
And no, not that kind of edging…
Continue reading E is for EdgefieldB is for Blue
So, I’m starting the new month of favorite things and my MMM for this Monday is my belly button ring.
Continue reading B is for Blue