Were we always kinky? Yes, definitely. Were we always kinky the way we are now? Not really.
Continue reading K is for KinkyT is for Two Truths and a Lie
You would think as a board game and video game fan that this prompt would be easy for me. Every time that I’ve ever played it at any sort of party, I always struggle to come up with things to use.
Continue reading T is for Two Truths and a LieI is for It’s Not Fair
She’s always loved the irrational modifiers that she dreams up to apply to games. Scrabble being a favorite; it’s this weird mix of “you have to make these odd words” or “this many words with more than “X” letters…” or “Whoops… sorrrrrrry THAT didn’t work out as planned.
Continue reading I is for It’s Not FairT is for Time Away
We spent 4 days away from home last week. It was our anniversary on Sunday so we decided to partake in some yummy food and drink.
Continue reading T is for Time AwayE is for Exposed
There are definitely different levels to being exposed on social media. The first obvious one is that we both use a pseudonym and not very many people know the true names of Snake and Charmer. Kinda makes it sound like a fantasy or spy novel….
Continue reading E is for ExposedP is for Pop (of Red)
Two weeks before we had snow, this was taken by the pool. Never let it be said that weather is boring in the desert.
Continue reading P is for Pop (of Red)S is for Scrabble
A couple of weeks ago, I posted a poll on Twitter asking about starting a new game. I asked if I should do another Scrabble, Trivial Pursuit, CAH or a new game. While the poll results did appear to be tied at 35.3% for both a new one and Scrabble, they were skewed by a mistaken vote for Trivial Pursuit that I was asked to change.
Continue reading S is for ScrabbleD is for Decision Time
This is part 7 in an ongoing story, a segment by Charmer, a segment by Snake…
Part 1 (Hers), Part 2 (His), Part 3 (Hers), Part 4 (His), Part 5 (Hers), Part 6 (His)
“You didn’t make reservations at the steak place?” Bree asked.
“No,” Gabe said softly. “I’m sorry, Mistress.”
Continue reading D is for Decision TimeV is for Vegas
Last year we went to Last Vegas for our anniversary. We’ve done that for anniversary trips, concerts and just because we want time together. It was where we had our honeymoon and it is “our” place.
Continue reading V is for VegasL is for Loki
So, I got a few presents from Snake last week. He had asked me to look for some different impact toys and I sent him some ideas. Off he went to find them for me.
Continue reading L is for LokiP is for Pi Day
Or in the Snake household, Pi Day=Anniversary! Since the world is a wee bit chaotic at the moment, I thought I’d share a picture of us from 2016. It still seems appropriate.
Continue reading P is for Pi DayH is for Headspace (Part 6 (His))
This is part 6 in an ongoing story, a segment by Charmer, a segment by Snake…
Part 1 (Hers), Part 2 (His), Part 3 (Hers), Part 4 (His), Part 5 (Hers)
Panic was flashing in his head. First, dashing outside, he just knew it wasn’t cool – she was pushing his buttons and he was trying to hide it in almost sneaking out.
But this whole thing – this change – was happening. Like, really happening. This was slipping in and out of what he’d imagined if they every did this type of thing. “This thing” – he didn’t know how to describe it, not really. He knew it flipped switches inside him that he didn’t really understand when she got like this, but right here, right now, in this ongoing… thing.
He was excited, thought he knew what way things would go, how she’d approach it, what she’d want, not want from him, from them, for herself. The simple fact was, she wasn’t hitting ANY of what he expected at this point. In fact, he’d not expected any of her approach. It was a side of her he had never seen.
He wanted to suggest ideas, but she had such a grin on her face. Sometimes, you could only sense it, sometimes you could actually see it, when he tried to steal a glance at her, just before she’d reminded him to look down, she had this… look. It was powerful as hell. Indescribable.
Continue reading H is for Headspace (Part 6 (His))P is for Perfect Blue
It’s been getting warm here–warm enough to sit by the pool. Not quite warm enough to get in quite yet, but soon.
Continue reading P is for Perfect BlueT is for Trust
When I think about the foundation of our dynamic, the first word that comes to mind is trust.
Continue reading T is for TrustM is for Mouth
“That’s an evil smile.”
Continue reading M is for MouthC is for (Steeled Snake) Charmer
I don’t know if we have ever told the stories about our pen names, to be honest. The names actually came before we started the blog because we needed Twitter handles.
Continue reading C is for (Steeled Snake) CharmerF is for Fortunate
We were just finishing dinner and you gave me my choice of fortune cookies. The restaurant had been generous and there were 7 to divide between the two of us.
Continue reading F is for FortunateW is for Wax-lite
A couple of weeks ago we did some initial play with wax. We’d never really done much before and being who we are, it was just dipping a toe into the water.
Continue reading W is for Wax-liteR is for Retro
Thought I’d revisit a picture from 2019 and do it as monochrome–I think it still works rather nicely….
Continue reading R is for RetroD is for Denial… Torture
“I need you, inside me, now. “
I was high as a kite hearing that. It was early in the morning, we had the house to ourselves, she has THAT look in her eyes. I’m raging against the cage, needing to feel her, wanting to feel her.
“Unlock. Get back here.”
Continue reading D is for Denial… TortureB is for Bouquet
Splash. “What…” The flowers had all fallen asleep in the warm car on the way to the reception. And now they had just been plunged into a vase of cold water on a table.
Continue reading B is for BouquetZ is for Zoom
“Well this is a surprise,” you say when I call you on Zoom. “You never want to do video unless forced to in meetings. You laugh.
Continue reading Z is for ZoomS is for (French) Silk
I don’t think it is at all strange that Instagram was full of baking at the beginning of the pandemic. There’s nothing like the smell of baked goods to make me feel happy.
Continue reading S is for (French) SilkM is for March Prompt
I know March is the beginning of spring and that would be the logical prompt. But, let’s face it–logical isn’t as much fun!
Continue reading M is for March PromptL is for Leftovers
This is one of a series that we took in December. The bra is red, the jacket is green and if these colors don’t look right to you…Lol. Sepia edit.
Continue reading L is for Leftovers