S is for Scrabble

A couple of weeks ago, I posted a poll on Twitter asking about starting a new game. I asked if I should do another Scrabble, Trivial Pursuit, CAH or a new game. While the poll results did appear to be tied at 35.3% for both a new one and Scrabble, they were skewed by a mistaken vote for Trivial Pursuit that I was asked to change.

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H is for Headspace (Part 6 (His))

This is part 6 in an ongoing story, a segment by Charmer, a segment by Snake…
Part 1 (Hers)Part 2 (His)Part 3 (Hers)Part 4 (His), Part 5 (Hers)

Panic was flashing in his head. First, dashing outside, he just knew it wasn’t cool – she was pushing his buttons and he was trying to hide it in almost sneaking out.

But this whole thing – this change – was happening. Like, really happening. This was slipping in and out of what he’d imagined if they every did this type of thing. “This thing” – he didn’t know how to describe it, not really. He knew it flipped switches inside him that he didn’t really understand when she got like this, but right here, right now, in this ongoing… thing.

He was excited, thought he knew what way things would go, how she’d approach it, what she’d want, not want from him, from them, for herself. The simple fact was, she wasn’t hitting ANY of what he expected at this point. In fact, he’d not expected any of her approach. It was a side of her he had never seen.

He wanted to suggest ideas, but she had such a grin on her face. Sometimes, you could only sense it, sometimes you could actually see it, when he tried to steal a glance at her, just before she’d reminded him to look down, she had this… look. It was powerful as hell. Indescribable.

Continue reading “H is for Headspace (Part 6 (His))”