This is one of my favorite bras. It is actually red, but the details seem to pop out a bit more when it is b/w.
Continue reading “D is for (It’s All in the) Details”T is for Time Warp
I imagine most everyone has a memory of their first time watching The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Some younger than others, but it almost feels like a rite of passage.
Continue reading “T is for Time Warp”I is for Introvert
I am an introvert. Technically, we both are, although Snake tolerates noise and extroverts much better than I do.
Continue reading “I is for Introvert”L is for Libido
I’m an all or nothing kind of person. I don’t know if it is astrology (Scorpio), autism, wanting my own way or all of the above.
Continue reading “L is for Libido”D is for Date Night
As things slowly start to open back up here, we are getting to go out to some of our favorite places again.
Continue reading “D is for Date Night”S is for Shhhh
The barbeque was in full swing when I beckoned you over. The yard of our neighbor was filled with dozens of people enjoying one last outing before the heat really hit.
Continue reading “S is for Shhhh”C is for Cleavage
Same tub from last week, but this is another one that we took while we were at the hotel for our anniversary. Just a wee bit of cleavage showing…
Continue reading “C is for Cleavage”W is for Warm (Bottom That Is)
I think that I might have alluded to a few “gifts” from Snake that we were going to use last week for our twice a month kink night.
Continue reading “W is for Warm (Bottom That Is)”C is for Courage
I don’t tend to think of myself as a terribly courageous person. Not in a self-deprecating way, but more just as a I just do what I need to do and move on.
Continue reading “C is for Courage”Jett: Review Part Deux
I previously wrote about the Jett as a toy that is both powerful and different. (You can read the review here) – in short, it was really great and, aside from a “yeah, don’t do that” type of bruise, it truly was one of the first “for penises” toy I’d used that wasn’t just a modified vibrator.
Very cool.
Continue reading “Jett: Review Part Deux”I is for Impatience
When the temperatures start staying in the mid 80s and up, I start doing my daily check of the pool temperature.
Continue reading “I is for Impatience”H is for (the) Hunt
I hadn’t actually been planning a sequel, but I got several requests for a continuation so here it is. Part 1 is here.
You open the envelope and a piece of paper slides out. On it is a picture of a specific bottle of wine and the telltale lip kiss.
Continue reading “H is for (the) Hunt”T is for Toes
On our little getaway a couple of weeks ago, we took quite a few pictures in the room–doesn’t everyone? This is an edit that just shows a little bit of my bright red nail polish…
Continue reading “T is for Toes”T is for Trouble
I don’t really have any music that I head to when I’m sad or upset. I tend to only listen to music when I’m happy.
Continue reading “T is for Trouble”K is for Kiss
As I wave goodbye to you and you head to work, I blow you a kiss. You stop the bike for a minute and look at me with a question in your eyes. I smile and wave.
Continue reading “K is for Kiss”M is for Morning Mug
“That’s not the mug I set out for you this morning,” you say as you watch me pour the water for my tea.
Continue reading “M is for Morning Mug”C is for Cancellation
As I was laying by the pool, Snake showed up and stood over me. I couldn’t see him when I opened my eyes because of the glare.
Continue reading “C is for Cancellation”A is for Absolution
Hey! I actually found an A close to the beginning of the month….It happens occasionally
Continue reading “A is for Absolution”P is for Peek-a-Boo
I do love me some lingerie that is strappy or has some interesting gaps in the fabric. This set is a matching bra and underwear that shows just a little bit more than usual. Snake seemed a fan…
Continue reading “P is for Peek-a-Boo”P is for Patience
I am not really known for my patience. I tend to get frustrated with inanimate objects that don’t cooperate–Snake just silently comes in and takes it usually–and I hate waiting when I can’t see the reasoning for waiting.
Continue reading “P is for Patience”C is for Clues
I walk in the back door and you’re standing there, wine glass in hand, smiling. After a quick kiss, it’s clear you’re anxious to tell me something – so we pause and I look at you expectantly. You grin, and hand me a piece of paper, about the size of a notecard.
On it, I see “Rules – follow the clues. The time it takes you to solve this, to find the end surprise, is the time you’ll have to wrangle an O for yourself. How cool is that?”
Continue reading “C is for Clues”A is for April Prompt
April Fools Day is probably my least favorite holiday ever. No one jumps out at me without risking injury and I don’t like practical jokes.
Continue reading “A is for April Prompt”M is for Monday Play
Every other Monday is extended playtime. We have an annoying meeting on the in between weeks, but Monday works well for us to plan.
Continue reading “M is for Monday Play”R is for Results (Scrabble That Is)
The Scrabble game started last Friday and ended on Thursday. In case you missed the tweets, here are the rolls:
Continue reading “R is for Results (Scrabble That Is)”C is for Corset
There’s no fun spending time in a hotel without a nice tub–or is that just me? And, of course, photos must be taken….
Continue reading “C is for Corset”