The past few months have had us dealing with a family situation that sucks. It is draining and even worse, we can’t do anything about it except watch.
Continue reading D is for DetachmentT is for Toes
Yes, I did just do a barefoot post two days ago. However, beach time, especially after the past year and change, is worthy of multiple posts.
Continue reading T is for ToesB is for Barefoot
At the moment, Snake and I are in San Diego.
Continue reading B is for BarefootB is for Below
I was going to just change this to sepia, but I decided that I loved the idea of making the whole image just a little hotter looking.
And, this is one of Snake’s favorite vantage points…
Continue reading B is for BelowD is for Dessert
The day had been filled with lots of sex interspersed with snuggling and giggling. The sun was starting to go down and it was time to think about food.
Continue reading D is for DessertB is for Balance
My body balance leaves a lot to be desired. You’d think that dancing would help, and I am definitely better than I was, but I’m still a klutz.
Continue reading B is for BalanceA is for Adding
As life starts to become a little closer to normal after the past year and change, it feels like a time to re-evaluate what we want in life. At least us.
Continue reading A is for AddingS is for San Diego
It is forecast, as I’m writing this, to be 111 today in Tucson. Yes, it’s a dry heat. What does this mean? Besides humidity hovering around 5%, it will “only” feel like it is about 105.
Continue reading S is for San DiegoT is for Time Travel
The idea of time travel is always fascinating. I think the popularity of Doctor Who since 1963 until current day, with a hiatus, is because we all want the idea of being able to see different times.
Continue reading T is for Time TravelS is for Sheer
We are getting ready to go on a long weekend in a week or so. Of course, that means Charmer needs new lingerie! I was trying them on and modeling them over DMs while Snake was in the airport.
Continue reading S is for SheerR is for Retreat
With the sun just starting to rise, we head out for a hike. Blue sky above and the weather is predicted to be perfect.
Continue reading R is for RetreatG is for Game of Chance
I shuffle the deck of cards. “Care to play a game?”
Continue reading G is for Game of ChanceC is for Coming Attractions
The day had been hot. Too hot to be running errands, but life happens. It was even too hot to really spend any time in the pool until it got dark.
Continue reading C is for Coming AttractionsS is for Striptease
So, as everyone knows, Snake always gets my bath ready and makes me coffee while I’m soaking.
Continue reading S is for StripteaseL is for Legs
I might be a little competitive when it comes to games. Just a little. And what better way to get a slight “leg up” than to dress to distract?
Continue reading L is for LegsC is for Cherry
I don’t think there’s a fruit that Snake ever met that he didn’t like. And frozen grapes and a perfect strawberry are among his passions.
Continue reading C is for CherryS is for Sneaking Up Behind
It’s a beautiful night outside and the lights are on, the music is playing… it’s great. The drinks have been cold, the time was just great together.
Continue reading S is for Sneaking Up BehindF is for Feather
He was on the bed, naked, blindfolded, and restrained with black straps to the bedposts.
Continue reading F is for FeatherH is for Holiday
Since this is the “official” start to summer here, we are going to be spending the long weekend around the pool.
Continue reading H is for HolidayJ is for June Prompt
While there is a lot of June “gloom” around the coastal areas of the U.S., June usually brings us nothing but blue skies and heat.
Continue reading J is for June PromptR is for Ribbon
This is another angle from the set of pictures that we took in March. Maybe a teeny bit less cleavage than the last one I shared from the set, but I love the details that Snake got in the close up.
Continue reading R is for RibbonG is for Gap
We do have a pretty substantial orgasm gap in our relationship. The unusual part is that our gap is definitely in my favor.
Continue reading G is for GapS is for Self-Care
Self-care tends to fall into a lot of things that are solo activities. Being an incredible introvert, I need recharging time.
Continue reading S is for Self-CareT is for Training
Part 1 (Hers), Part 2 (His), Part 3 (Hers), Part 4 (His), Part 5 (Hers), Part 6 (His), Part 7 (Hers), Part 8 (His)
As they left the restaurant, Bree walked just slightly ahead of Gabe. He had held the door open for another couple as she crossed the parking lot. She heard him walking quickly to catch up with her.
Continue reading T is for TrainingL is for Lace
In case you hadn’t already figured it out, I’m a fan of pretty lingerie. It makes me feel better to know that I might be wearing yoga shorts and a tee, but I have sexy underwear on.
Continue reading L is for Lace