F… Fine, be late. Not.

You’re in the front room, singing. It’s that Foreigner song – I hear you, just perfectly on tune. “I’ve been waiting… for a boy like you…” you’re singing. I call across the house and correct you – “it’s ‘waiting for a girl like you…” I tell you. “You’re not REALLY correcting me, are you?” you say back.

Continue reading F… Fine, be late. Not.

E-Stim… Electricity, and Me.

We’ve played a bit with e-stim before. I got frustrated at the lack of control a bit, and not being able to get to “too much!” in the use of it. I always tend to seek out that line – the too-much-line – so you know what the full range is that you have to explore.

SO, I went on a hunt. Find a different machine, different approach, and try, try again.

And I did. We did. And we found that line…

Continue reading E-Stim… Electricity, and Me.

Improvement (not as in home-improvement)

Improvement is a tough one. It’s hard to talk about improving something with this thing we do, without making it all mechanical and such. At least, for me that’s the case.

At the same time, it can be really effective over time – you may look back in the future at how, why or when you did “this or that” and realize just how much things have changed. Here’s a quick look at how I try to keep this all swimming around my head.

Continue reading Improvement (not as in home-improvement)

FLR, D/s, Life and Kink

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