We’re at the end of our trip it’s been a great time, lots of time spent taking in the scenery from 40 stories up in the high-rise. And lots more time taking in the scenery right here in our room. Something about hotel rooms…
Continue reading C is for (I Called a) Car…B is for Belongings
We have a lot of stuff. Slowly the last few years we’ve been cleaning out, but there is still too much.
Continue reading B is for BelongingsS is for Spiral
We were wandering in a nearby town. It was a perfect day to window shop and grab lunch at an outdoor café.
Continue reading S is for SpiralM is for (Do You…) Massage?
Our dynamic has changed over the years with D/s leading the way. One of the times that really reinforces that dynamic are the massages we’ve written about previously – it’s a fantastic, intimate, fun, relaxing time that we use to reconnect many nights a week.
With no strings attached.
Continue reading M is for (Do You…) Massage?B is for Bootcamp
This weekend is bootcamp. Not the exercise type, but the D/s type.
Continue reading B is for BootcampC is for Cuff
Play is just always a little bit more fun when the restraints come out….
Continue reading C is for CuffC is for Cats
We are primarily a family of cats. We’ve had two dogs and do love dogs, but cats fit our lifestyle.
Continue reading C is for CatsS is for Silence
I crave silence in life. I was always the kid who had to have quiet to study. If I’m reading, I don’t want music in the background. When I work or write, I rarely am listening to anything.
Continue reading S is for SilenceR is for Reading
The wedding had been fun, but the drive back was boring. It was mostly remote and you could only look at so many trees and hills before your mind started going numb.
Continue reading R is for ReadingP is for Popcorn
We love popcorn. I can actually name numerous memories associated with eating popcorn with Snake.
Continue reading P is for PopcornG is for Gaming
In the beforetimes (yes, it is a word), we spent a lot of weekend time at restaurants and movies and other activities out of the house.
Continue reading G is for GamingM is for Morning
Before the shower and the rush to start the day, I always take time to take a picture and send it to Snake. It’s a good way to remember what’s important amidst the craziness of life.
Continue reading M is for MorningM is for Magic
Fresh starts always sound so clean and fresh. A new school year or an unopened notebook or a move. Starting over with no real history and remaking yourself.
Continue reading M is for MagicW is for Wilderness
Growing up in Colorado, wilderness was never that far away. We could go to the mountains and be away from people and civilization pretty easily. After we moved to Tucson, there still is a certain amount of that with the surrounding mountain ranges.
Continue reading W is for WildernessWhispers in the Dark
We’re laying there, just listening to the dark around us. I can hear the rain on the roof (a rarity and amazing) and the winds howling outside off and on. I also hear far-distant thunder. It’s that rolling kind that’s just fun to listen to, not violent, not jolting, just almost like a drummer with a massive kettle drum of some sort playing a random tune.
I hear you whisper to me…
Continue reading Whispers in the DarkT is for Tango
This week we start lessons with an additional dance instructor. Her specialty is Argentine Tango and we are going to start putting together a new solo routine with her.
Continue reading T is for TangoF is for Fireworks
On the last day of Fireworks month, I thought I’d share a picture of the last time I saw them live. Not including the neighborhood ones that I think are simply to scare my cats to death.
Continue reading F is for FireworksW is for Wet
Could someone hand me a towel?
Continue reading W is for WetA is for August Prompt
August in Arizona is when school starts again. I know it seems really early for a lot of places, but it is what it is.
Continue reading A is for August PromptB is for Bluetooth
You always listen to music or audiobooks while you are in the shower. This morning, I decide to take advantage of the fact that your volume is turned up and play with you a bit.
Continue reading B is for BluetoothS is for Shadow
The bar had been playing their favorite music last night and they had stayed a lot longer than they had anticipated. Luckily it was Sunday and they had no plans until dinner.
Continue reading S is for ShadowR is for Relax
The world is a crazy place and sometimes it is just nice to have a moment of peace and quiet. To enjoy nature and the sun.
Continue reading R is for RelaxT is for Toad
The other night we were coming home late from the airport. Monsoon storms had passed through earlier and there was still a little residual lightning over to the west.
Continue reading T is for ToadB is for Bikini
Nothing like a bikini with a little animal print to bring out the animal in Snake….
Continue reading B is for BikiniS is for Stars
The day had been too hot to do the hike we had wanted to do so we had spent the entire day in front of the TV instead of the date we had planned.
Continue reading S is for Stars