It’s Just a Little Handprint

This was to be a DD play night. But something is up. Something is whirling around in that head of hers that says it won’t “just” be a DD kind of night, but rather something else that is poking around.

“Remember when we were kids and made handprints in the sand,” she asks. “Yes, yes I do… but that’s sort of random, don’t you think?”

Continue reading It’s Just a Little Handprint

100 Edges, 12ish hours.

Charmer likes to push boundaries, heck, we both do. I think little nudges in new directions tend to add up to big nudges that introduce new ideas, new things to think about, new experiences.

We’ve added Boot Camp weekends to the mix of late – we do them when it strikes Charmer’s fancy, no real schedule- but it has lately been running Friday-Monday on choice weekends.

Continue reading 100 Edges, 12ish hours.

FLR, D/s, Life and Kink

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