We are in Portland right now. It’s almost always rainy, but this time it’s been drier than usual. Still definitely chillier than Tucson, but the weather has been gorgeous.
Continue reading “S is for Snowy”Choosing My/Our 2022
I’ve been reading along with different people’s thoughts and ideas for 2022. Not necessarily resolutions, but just sort of setting the stage for how to approach the new year. I’m not sure why people do this at the end of the year (why not July 1?) or whatever, but here I am, doing the same, and feeling like it’s time for a different approach, right along with so many others.
Continue reading “Choosing My/Our 2022”F is for Focus
One of Snake’s tricks is to change up the focal length on most shots so we have choices. I loved the way the focus is really quite out of focus in this particular one.
Continue reading “F is for Focus”S is for Sweet, or is it Sour?
She was still sleeping while he snuck out to the store to get some fruit, some orange juice and a cheap bottle of champagne. They’d been up late and he figured that he had time to make pancakes and mimosas before she woke up.
Continue reading “S is for Sweet, or is it Sour?”It Finally Happened… I Lost It
We have strict rules about O’s for me. Permission first. I guess I should say, a strict rule. That’s it, that’s the rule.
For 5 years in this D/sFLR, I’ve actually done really well and haven’t screwed up yet. Yes, she’s been known to force the issue when she feels like it and override my not letting things get too far, taking it from me, as it were. But just flat out getting it wrong? I’ve always been pretty proud about not crossing the proverbial line in the sand.
Continue reading “It Finally Happened… I Lost It”S is for Snowball Fight
She was standing in the snow and listening to the silence. Mitch had gone back to the car for his hat and gloves before they went for a walk.
Continue reading “S is for Snowball Fight”G is for Going Forward
The past two years have been a rude awakening for everyone that I know. We all talk about getting back to normal, but I don’t know what that would even look like at this point.
Continue reading “G is for Going Forward”My Mug That is a Pot
Trying to come up with my favorite mug is like choosing a favorite child. I don’t buy sets of mugs. Each one is unique and has been chosen or given to me because of the meaning.
Continue reading “My Mug That is a Pot”W is for Watch
Well, I didn’t really have any photos about time to share, but this one does have a watch…does that count?
Continue reading “W is for Watch”M is for Meditation
It was the third day she had been doing yoga. She wasn’t really into the spiritual side, but she thought it was a good way to start the new year. Who couldn’t use a little peace?
Continue reading “M is for Meditation”L is for Looking Back
In a lot of ways, 2021 was pretty awful. Everyone that I know lost someone to Covid. Life as we’ve always known it seems to have been permanently changed.
Continue reading “L is for Looking Back”B is for Bullet Journal
She was sitting at the bar by the window in the coffee shop. She was writing in a notebook and seemed oblivious to the morning rush hour around her.
Continue reading “B is for Bullet Journal”F is for Flame
The holiday celebrations are over and the decorations are put away for another year. We didn’t decorate much because we traveled, but it’s still nice to know it’s put away.
Continue reading “F is for Flame”J is for January Prompt
And onward to 2022. I’m not going to wish that it’s better than the last. I’m afraid of tempting the Fates. Lol.
Continue reading “J is for January Prompt”N is for New Year’s Eve
Time to end this year and getting ready for the next. What’s better than a disco ball to light things up?
Continue reading “N is for New Year’s Eve”Swinging…
It’s been a long, long day at work. We decided to head out and get some dinner, relax a little and try to unplug from the garbage that had gone down.
Dinner was good, the glass of wine was better.
As we head home, we decide to take the scenic route – through the foothills, through the more back-roads ways back to the house. We’re talking bout anything, and nothing. And we’re certainly not talking about work.
Continue reading “Swinging…”T is for Top 10
Looking back over the past 6+ years, you’d think that most popular posts would be somewhat evenly spread over the time. Nope.
Continue reading “T is for Top 10”C is for Christmas Eve
All of the presents are wrapped, decorating is done and now it’s time to just enjoy some quiet time.
Continue reading “C is for Christmas Eve”Hand me that tape…
It’s always the same, always looking for the tape, the ribbon, the scissors. It seems like no matter where you put them, she has moved them just a bit out of reach. It’s almost a game to re-find them between packages.
We’re wrapping and sipping and enjoying the fire and this strangely relaxed evening of package prep, getting ready for the holidays and family and all that.
I *hate* wrapping. I’m not good at it, and she’s always responsible for making the packages look passable once they’re beyond “but they have paper on them now anyway” stage. Ribbons? Bows? Frilly decoration-thingies? Forget it.
But, of course, you DO know how to incentivize. “For every package you wrap, we’ll play strip-wrapping – I’ll remove one piece of clothing of my choice.” This. This has me fully engaged in this process, I must admit.
Continue reading “Hand me that tape…”F is for Festive Days
It’s the end of the year and most of us are crazy busy–and sometimes just feeling a little crazy.
Continue reading “F is for Festive Days”How Fast…
We turn over the in bed and she snuggles into me. It’s a lazy morning, she’s fiddling with my cage, or at least as much as she can. I mean, it’s morning. And the cage is much, much less mobile than many other times right at the moment.
I growl as I come awake, and grin at her. Her head is on my chest, she’s looking at me and squeezing… just so. It feels amazing and aggravating.
It’s been a loooooooooong run. And she’s been doing everything from edging marathons to other types of play and it’s piling on a bit. I’m at that tipping point between aggravation and frustration of the good kind.
Continue reading “How Fast…”D is for Dinner
We are sneaking out of town for Christmas this year. No family visits until January so this is going to be a destination Snake Den Christmas. Nope. No hints on where we’ll be.
Continue reading “D is for Dinner”What 2021 Has Taught Me
A decidedly non-sexy post, but certainly have learned a lot on that front as well.
2021 has been brutal, awful, intense, crazy, wild, all of those things, up and down, for so many people. It’s hard to over-state the impact this time has had of course, and we certainly didn’t escape the roller-coaster either. From the societal changes to the loss of loved ones to changing relationships with friends and family and so much more.
Continue reading “What 2021 Has Taught Me”B is for Bow
Sepia and b/w photos are always fun, but sometimes, you have to dial up the monochrome to fit the season.
Continue reading “B is for Bow”To the Edge and Back… and Back Again
Charmer has been experimenting. Again.
Edging is one of those things that fit in the “frustration, but hella fun” category. It’s bizarre, difficult to manage at times, and overall, it’s a very demanding thing (don’t you feel sorry for me? )
Continue reading “To the Edge and Back… and Back Again”