I’m in the middle of reviewing a couple of really great devices, but I’ve learned something surprising in the process that’s pretty important when it comes to sizing, figuring out considerations, etc.
Continue reading “Chastity Device: A-Ring Sizing Lessons Learned”S is for Stopwatch
They had half an hour to kill before their dinner reservation and the small second-hand shop across the street was still open. It seemed like a good place to wander while they waited.
Continue reading “S is for Stopwatch”P is for Penny
W is for Wicked
What used to be fun, but relatively common, now seems to be a cause for celebration when we get to do it.
Continue reading “W is for Wicked”T is for Throwback
When we stayed in a place that had pop art on the walls, we couldn’t resist taking a picture in front of it. And with Valentine’s Day on Monday, it felt like a perfect choice.
Continue reading “T is for Throwback”B is for Breathe
The past year has been chaotic. Highs followed by lows with uncertainty sprinkled around for good measure.
Continue reading “B is for Breathe”D is for Drama
So after my post last week, you probably think I’m going to write about drama llamas for this prompt. Newp.
Continue reading “D is for Drama”M is for Mittens (and Mouse)
T is for Tub
As everyone knows, I love a good bath. And I have a wonderful tub at home that I use many times a week.
Continue reading “T is for Tub”S is for Shower
They were going to meet at the restaurant at 6. He offered to come pick her up because the storm was brewing, but she told him that she would just take the light rail.
Continue reading “S is for Shower”L is for (He’s Got) Legs
Every so often I’m privileged to be able to share a photo of my sexy Snake. He really doesn’t like posting pictures of himself, so consider it a gift.
Continue reading “L is for (He’s Got) Legs”C is for Circus
There are times when I try really hard to help people fix things. Sometimes too often, but I try to be there for the people in my life who I care about.
Continue reading “C is for Circus”S is for Speech
She had rewritten the speech at least five times. He watched as she starting changing words again, then closed the window and stomped off.
Continue reading “S is for Speech”H is for Haunted?
“The party is at the old Hawkins place. It’s a costume party,” Brenna almost bounced into the room.
Continue reading “H is for Haunted?”D is for (It’s the Little) Details
Part of the fun of traveling is relaxing in a new room. And taking pictures, right? Everyone does that?
Continue reading “D is for (It’s the Little) Details”F is for February Prompt
Yes, I know my prompt should be something about love and hearts and such. But, you know me and my prompts rarely fit what I “should” be doing.
Continue reading “F is for February Prompt”S is for Saturation
One more picture from the set that we’ve posted the last few weeks… I decided to take the monochrome into a tint and really love the pops of color.
Continue reading “S is for Saturation”K is for Kale
“We having people over?” he asked as he walked into the kitchen.
Continue reading “K is for Kale”M is for Map Reading
Yes, I am old enough to remember having to navigate by either atlas or state map when we were doing road trips. In fact, I still prefer “seeing” where I need to go rather than being directed that way by GPS.
Continue reading “M is for Map Reading”M is for Muse
She heard him walking in the hayloft of the barn. He was looking for the perfect photograph angle for his new campaign and they had been scouting out locations for three hours.
Continue reading “M is for Muse”S is for Scallops
You’d think that having grown up in land-locked states my entire life that I wouldn’t really love seafood.
Continue reading “S is for Scallops”Slippery Little Devil: The One That Got Away
We finally scored a great table on the ship – right on the railing, all by ourselves, just taking time to relax and enjoy our dinner. It was a long day on the water, and the sunset is just the perfect end to the day.
We’ve been enjoying a glass or two of wine this evening, waiting for our table, and then sitting here, we have that perfect blend of attentive, but not around, service. It’s really great.
Continue reading “Slippery Little Devil: The One That Got Away”T is for Treasure Map
X marks the spot, right?
Continue reading “T is for Treasure Map”It’s Not Like It’s a Video Call…
I finally gave in. I’ve had enough. I bought one of those silly Mute buttons you see for online calls – where you push the button, you’re muted, no matter what software you have, it figures it out and even lights up to say “hey, nobody can hear you…” I’ve had my fill of online calls and video calls.
Continue reading “It’s Not Like It’s a Video Call…”The Strangest, Sexiest Idiosyncracies – Singing Along
Sometimes, it’s all about the smallest things.
Those things that say when someone really has their guard down, is totally in the moment and completely… relaxed. Well, I don’t know about totally relaxed, but she does have a tell.
Continue reading “The Strangest, Sexiest Idiosyncracies – Singing Along”