“I think Pepper is happy to see us,” said Leah. “She hasn’t moved since we got home.”
Continue reading H is for HomeI is for Italian Round Steak
If you ask Snake what his favorite recipe is, what he asks for on birthdays and such, the first thing he’ll come up with is Italian Round Steak. In fact, it’s been his favorite since we got married even with all of his other faves.
Continue reading I is for Italian Round SteakH is for Hurricane
I was searching for a “savage” quote for our prompt this month and I came across lyrics from a song that was popular a few years ago in the dance studio.
Continue reading H is for HurricaneR is for Relaxing
As I mentioned last week, our anniversary just happened. We treated ourselves to a getaway to celebrate.
Continue reading R is for RelaxingS is for Sunset
In spite of the fact that most of our backyard is one giant tree, it’s challenging to find some pictures that include trees. This one was taken at sunset so the colors in the background were vibrant.
Continue reading S is for SunsetP is for Puzzle
“Want to help me with the puzzle?” she asked as he walked past the dining room.
Continue reading P is for PuzzleP is for Pool
The back part of the bar was empty on this Wednesday night. There was a big game on the TV and everyone was gathered around the bar to watch the local favorite.
Continue reading P is for PoolHolyTrainer v4 Chastity Cage – A Review
I’ve been going through a longer-term review of a few chastity cages in hopes of providing some additional information about cages, differences between them, food for thought, etc. HolyTrainer is the first of these – and I’ve spent a good deal of time wearing, comparing, and looking at the device.
Continue reading HolyTrainer v4 Chastity Cage – A ReviewP is for Pi Day
While also being Pi day, it is our anniversary. Many years ago, we started on this wonderful journey together and it just keeps getting better!
Continue reading P is for Pi DayS is for Sneaky
When we were in a hotel in January, I snuck into the bathroom and took a few pictures of Snake while he was showering. There were some that I’m keeping for my own personal stash, but he agreed to let me post this one. See how lucky I am?
Continue reading S is for SneakyThe Apron
It’s my turn to make dinner, I get to dream up something to make, get everything around and get it done while you take a bath, complete, of course, with a glass of wine. Or two.
Continue reading The ApronAbsolutely Not Now, It’s Time for Yoga
You fire up that yoga channel on YouTube – the one you’ve been following religiously now for quite some time. It’s a daily thing, I’m jealous – and at the same time, so very impressed because I can SEE the changes in you. Physically, mentally.
Continue reading Absolutely Not Now, It’s Time for YogaB is for Brunch
His boss was late for the brunch and Jim was getting bored. He had been been playing with the bread basket and Mai was getting more annoyed as Jim’s boredom grew.
Continue reading B is for BrunchS is for Sandy Toes
On our vacation we got a little bit of beach time. There’s nothing like blue water, white sand and a comfy spot to make me say “Mmm…”
Continue reading S is for Sandy ToesM is for Mesquite
We have a beautiful really old mesquite tree in our backyard. Unlike other places, our trees tend to widen into a canopy instead of going straight up. This particular one covers over half of our yard and is absolutely gorgeous.
Continue reading M is for MesquiteD is for Downpour
They had been shopping for a wedding gift all afternoon. The registry was useless–things were either too practical or too expensive. Finally they found a print that they thought would be a good gift.
Continue reading D is for DownpourH is for Historian
I’ve been interested in genealogy since I was 10 or 12. Once Ancestry was available. it was even better because I had so much more access to records.
Continue reading H is for HistorianBusy Hands
They say idle hands are the devil’s playground. Or something like that.
She’d never really believed in that, but this might be a good jumping-off point in the conversation about to be had.
She slipped off her clothes and dipped her toes in the water to make sure the temperature was what she needed. “A bit cooler please,” she said and stood up just a bit to let him fix the temperature and stir the water in the tub. “There,” he says, offering her his hand to help her into the tub. “See if that’s better.”
Continue reading Busy HandsP is for Plum
There are nice bras. You know, the ones you wear on an average day and feel good in.
Continue reading P is for PlumM is for March Prompt
The wind is blowing like crazy and we have a chance for snow tonight in the desert so a weather quote seems perfect for the monthly prompt.
Continue reading M is for March PromptF is for Film Noir
It’s amazing how changing the color of a photo completely changes the feel of the photo. After a little editing, this photo looks a bit like it was taken in the 1940s.
Continue reading F is for Film NoirA is for Anniversary
Janine had been working long hours for weeks and had made sure her boss knew that she was going to be gone on the 17th for their anniversary. The plans had been made two months in advance and she reminded him at least twice a week.
Continue reading A is for AnniversaryEnjoying the Pool…
It’s one of those amazing desert nights. The temperature is perfect, the wind is just this very slight breeze, the desert smells because of all of the blooms and plants that are soaking up the recent rains are just incredible. We’re sitting in the pool, just enjoying a glass of wine, talking, and watching the bats fly around, getting their early-evening feast.
“There’s one!” you whisper, and point to the west – I can just make him out against the incredible orange skies as the sun settles in and the last bits of color leave the sky.
Continue reading Enjoying the Pool…D is for Déjà Vu
Déjà vu is such an odd sensation. I first tend to think that maybe I’m just forgetting that I’ve been somewhere before or that the situation was just super similar to a previous one.
Continue reading D is for Déjà VuW is for Water
Water is one of our favorite elements to put in our photos so choosing one was difficult.
Continue reading W is for Water