Sure, Christmas in July is a big thing. Actually, I think it’s only a big thing with retail companies trying to create a reason to buy stuff, but maybe that’s just my opinion.
Continue reading “C is for Christmas in June”S is for Solstice
Yesterday was Summer Solstice. It’s the “official” start of the summer season even though we’ve been having summer weather for over a month here.
Continue reading “S is for Solstice”I is for Imagination
He came inside from pulling some weeds and collapsed on the couch. “It’s brutal out there today.”
Continue reading “I is for Imagination”D is for Dinner and a Movie
Date night in Tucson–a glass of wine and the smallest of mini-skirts. You are a lucky many, Snake.
Continue reading “D is for Dinner and a Movie”W is for What About This One?
I do enjoy doing a good fashion show for Snake…
Continue reading “W is for What About This One?”H is for Heat
I love Tucson in the winter. Just chilly enough for coats and we get the occasional snow. We can go to the mountain for lots of snow and that’s about 45 minutes to the top.
Continue reading “H is for Heat”Music is my thing
I tend to tie music, songs, musical events, etc. – to the things that they happened around. I can hear a song and instantly be at that spot in time, that physical location. I get flooded with sounds, sights, smells, even the temperatures of the moment.
Continue reading “Music is my thing”M is for Milestones
It seems like we all plan for the milestones in life. Obviously, they are important and worth celebrating–weddings, graduations, birthdays, anniversaries, promotions, etc.
Continue reading “M is for Milestones”I is for Italian
While we eat a lot of Mexican food, there’s something about Italian food, too. Am I right?
Continue reading “I is for Italian”Sometimes, it’s all about the music
I mean, can you really not respond to Warrant’s “Cherry Pie”? I don’t think it’s humanly possible. Some beats and lyrics just combine to be perfect in the moment and BOOM! There you have it.
Continue reading “Sometimes, it’s all about the music”R is for Racing Stripes
Nothing like ramping up the heat on some stripes…
Continue reading “R is for Racing Stripes”Was it Something I Said?
He got the text to unlock and put down the blanket while I was in the tub. Of course, I hadn’t given him any indication that it was a play night earlier.
Continue reading “Was it Something I Said?”T is for Ten Years
Wow–10 years ago. It was really a lifetime ago because so much has changed between us and in our lives and world.
Continue reading “T is for Ten Years”M is for (And the) Moment is Gone
I am weirdly spontaneous and a planner all at the same time. I love just deciding to spring things on Snake. But I need the idea of planning for the future as well.
Continue reading “M is for (And the) Moment is Gone”B is for Booty
I really do enjoy my morning pictures from Snake. I can’t usually share them online, but once in a while I get one that I can.
Continue reading “B is for Booty”Sweet Surrender….
Once again, she wants to start a game. To see how much torment can be doled out.
“Yes. You do not have permission, of course, and we’re going to test that…”
Continue reading “Sweet Surrender….”D is for Double Vision
A little red dress, a hotel mirror and some edits…
Continue reading “D is for Double Vision”R is for Road Trip
They had been driving all day and had another full day to go tomorrow before they got to his parent’s house. It was pretty, but it was getting tedious.
Continue reading “R is for Road Trip”Sometimes, Collaboration Gets… Out of Hand
I’ve been writing this post for a while now. I have this idea in my head, and I keep writing, putting it down in the post and then pausing to re-read it. It seems like every time I do, you just happen to be there sneaking a look.
We finally sneak into the room, avoiding crowds. It’s been an incredible dinner – so much amazing and tasty food – just enough that we’re full, but not enough that it’s uncomfortable. And that wine… it was perfect. We’ve been wandering the grounds, looking at the clear sky and all of the stars, and even catching some of the shooting stars that happen to be whirling by tonight.
Continue reading “Sometimes, Collaboration Gets… Out of Hand”J is for June Prompt
As the days get longer and the sun gets warmer, summer is definitely almost here in the Northern Hemisphere. School is ending and there seems to be more time to relax.
Continue reading “J is for June Prompt”I is for Irish Nachos
Mexican food is definitely the thing we eat the most here in the Southwest. But, there’s just something about potatoes…especially those covered in cheese and bacon. Mmm…
Continue reading “I is for Irish Nachos”S is for Sunbathing
There’s nothing quite as nice as kicking back and having a drink with the sun warming your skin.
Continue reading “S is for Sunbathing”M is for Mischief
As we were walking along the trail, a stone came down on my head. “Ow!”
Continue reading “M is for Mischief”R is for Running Late
The traffic was bumper-to-bumper and the extra half hour they had given themselves was quickly going away. They were going to be late for the show at this rate.
Continue reading “R is for Running Late”H is for Home
Home is where I feel at peace and happy. Snuggled here on the couch with Snake is just a wonderful place and one of my favorite ways to wind down before bed. Mmm…
Continue reading “H is for Home”