As we walk along the river, we keep an eye on the clouds. The forecast had said no rain, but the clouds were telling another story.
Continue reading S is for ShelterC is for Censorship
I hate to self-censor. I’m not talking about being polite. I’m talking about feeling like I can’t say what I feel or think in a setting.
Continue reading C is for CensorshipS is for Seagulls
“I wonder what they are saying to each other.”
Continue reading S is for SeagullsP is for Panorama
Our room in Vegas had a wonderful panoramic view. We could see from the Strip to the mountains–it was really spectacular!
Continue reading P is for PanoramaB is for Beautiful
Growing up in Colorado, I think I was spoiled by scenery. The view out our front window was Longs Peak and it was almost unobstructed except by a few trees. In fact, my middle school was named for the peak.
Continue reading B is for BeautifulS is for Simplify
As I am writing this, it is July 12th and it’s National Simplicity Day. As are many others, Snake and I are working to simplify our lives.
Continue reading S is for SimplifyP is for PNW
We’ve spent the last few days in Portland and today we are headed to Vegas (yay!) Just a few pictures from our trip…
Continue reading P is for PNWG is for Goosebumps
After the heat of the sun by the pool, the room felt cold. She was looking forward to a warm shower to chase away the chill and wash off the chlorine.
Continue reading G is for GoosebumpsR is to Reflect
The unedited version of this focused on the green of the bra, but I love how the edit reveals the reflection in the mirror.
Continue reading R is to ReflectR is for Redemption
“We always play games that you are good at. I think I should get to pick something that I’m good at for a change.”
Continue reading R is for RedemptionN is for Napping
She fell asleep in the warm sun. The book was amusing, but after the late night, it wasn’t enough to stave off the nap.
Continue reading N is for NappingC is for Connect the Dots
I wonder what sort of image Snake could make if he tried to connect the dots….
Continue reading C is for Connect the DotsS is for Sea
“It’s already dark,” he said. “Why can’t we wait until tomorrow to go touch the water? I’m exhausted and starving. I don’t even know if I care enough about starving to not just crash.”
Continue reading S is for SeaL is for Lacing
Those poor little pieces of ribbon look like they are working so hard…
Continue reading L is for LacingB is for Barefoot
I love being barefoot, but I don’t tend to go outside barefoot very often at home. There are too many thorns, rocks and creepy-crawlies around that make it a lot safer to be wearing shoes.
Continue reading B is for BarefootF is for Flowers
I love flowers. From the big splashy ones to the tiny cactus blooms that you can miss if you don’t catch them on the few days they are around.
Continue reading F is for FlowersJ is for July Prompt
Yes, I know I’m late with the prompt. It was already the end of June and the holiday weekend before I realized that I forgot about it. Blame it on summer…
Continue reading J is for July PromptH is for Holiday
It’s a holiday here in the US, so we are off work for the day. Why did I pick a picture of Vegas to celebrate?
Continue reading H is for HolidaySocks
Sometimes, it’s all about the socks.
Continue reading SocksI is for Ice Cream
“Why do you always choose the cup over the cone?” He hands me my ice cream as we head out to the parking lot. Across the street is the park where there’s some shade to enjoy our treat.
Continue reading I is for Ice CreamS is for Sneeze
We are lucky to have minimal allergies. Only a couple of medical ones that are really easy to avoid and the dreaded seasonal allergies that the rest of the world has as well.
Continue reading S is for SneezeM is for Monsoons
The summer rains in Tucson are monsoons. There is some dispute as to when they start (June 15-September 15, or 55 degree dewpoint for 3 days in a row), but they are always a topic of conversation here.
Continue reading M is for MonsoonsS is for Stretch
A soft throw, a very little animal print chemise and a well-timed stretch…
Continue reading S is for StretchM is for Macrame
“What are you doing?” She turned and stared at him in disbelief.
“I’m chopping broccoli, why?”
Continue reading M is for MacrameV is for Vegas Skyline
When we took our last trip to Vegas, we had to take advantage of the view outside the window for a picture or two.
Continue reading V is for Vegas Skyline