Wednesday is always the day that Snake has to post a pic of himself. For today’s challenge, he has to use 5 pieces of Christmas ribbon in his photo. At least one of them needs to be tied in a bow….
Enjoy the view!
Wednesday is always the day that Snake has to post a pic of himself. For today’s challenge, he has to use 5 pieces of Christmas ribbon in his photo. At least one of them needs to be tied in a bow….
Enjoy the view!
We’re home and that gives me so many more options for challenges. Today, is all for me. His challenge today is a mani/pedi for me which is sorely overdue and a full body massage. He has to post pics on Twitter as proof of completion.
It’s good to be me…..
Sometimes things get a little (!) funky and you decide to try something just… fun and goofy and odd. Today is one of those.
You tell me to get undressed, uncaged, and present myself…. you mumble something about “for wrapping” or something – I can’t really make it out and I sense that that’s on purpose.
Happy Monday! Or what we like to call around the Snake house, story day. Everyone knows that he publishes a story every Monday so I thought that I would tie the challenge to the story. For today, he has to use the words “wrapping paper” five times in his story. It is the holiday season and there were be a lot of that used this month…
Happy reading!
Charmer asked that I provide three things about her that I like, and two surprising (or at least little known) things about me…. This is a challenging request; it’s hard to write cohesive notes on this – it certainly won’t be in Twitter. 🙂
Yeah, yeah. Some of this is “sappy” – whatever.
For his challenge today, Snake has to write about three parts of me that he loves and why and two things that would surprise you about him. Since we’re on the road, I don’t know if they will be going out in a blog post or in tweets so keep your eyes open…
Can’t wait to see what he picks!
We’re still out of town so I’m still trying to not make things too hard for him….well, maybe just a little.
Today’s challenge is for Snake to describe some article of clothing that I’m wearing in a way that sounds really naughty and tweet it out. You can guess what he might be describing…
Happy Friday!
Welcome to December. Or as Snake might be referring to it, a month of torture. 🙂
We’re heading out of town today so I thought that I would do an easy one to ease him into the routine. He’s wearing red underwear today—because, you know, I told him to. He has to tweet out a pic of #jeanporn and #redunderwearpeek taken in the airport bathroom.
Enjoy! And don’t forget about those suggestions from our dear readers….
It’s been a little while since I tossed out a challenge to Snake so it got me thinking. Which, of course, always makes him more than a little nervous. [Snake: Um, just a tad] The first inspiration was the 12 Days of Christmas, then he mentioned an Advent calendar so I threw caution to the wind and decided to just use the whole month of December. [Snake: Of course — 31 days! Yay! What could possibly go wrong??] So, here is the challenge premise….
Each day of the month, Snake will be responsible for a task. I will be posting them on here and Twitter daily so you can follow along and see what fun things I have for him. Some will be fast and others will be more involved, but all will be lots of fun for me, of course. And, if you have ideas, put them in the comments. I might use them, or not, or keep them for another time, but I always love input… [Snake: Might I suggest suggesting things like “take shower” and “put on socks” – those would be great suggestions you all could make!]
Besides the sheer joy of doing things that I want, what does Snake get out of this? Well…if he accomplishes all of his tasks, he will get two tokens for bonus O’s that can be used any time he is eligible. For someone who is at 13 for the year, I think that’s a pretty good reward. [Snake: Nervously wrings hands. Yes. Yes it is.]
If he misses any at all though, no bonuses. And if he misses more than two, he will start upping the required the ratio by 1% for every one that he misses. Just ask him….he doesn’t want that. [Snake: No, no I don’t.]
So….keep your eyes on here and Twitter for his tasks. It should be a December to remember. [Snake: Or at least, ya know, to cheer for?!]
It’s been awhile. A while since you’ve told me to just, essentially, lay back and relax. I have come to know and understand that that’s not REALLY what you mean. What you REALLY mean is lay back and hold on tight… because you have plans to do something, try something… or just want to play around and see what happens. I’m not sure, but I think this last one is the most challenging – because it usually means any kind of reaction that you think is interesting – if it happens, you get all over it to see how far you can push it.
Turns out, pretty far.
Tonight you are all business. As soon as I lay back, you start to toy with me, stroking, teasing, walking me down that narrow ledge. It hasn’t been that long, so I’m not really expecting to get the golden “yes,” but you’re definitely coming after me with great abandon. Usually you’ll race up to the edge, slow, or stop, then repeat that.
As we get on the elevator, I realize we won’t be alone. I had hoped to give the security camera guys an eyeful as we rode the elevator up and walked to our room, but it just wasn’t meant to be. It seems like stream of people getting on just never stopped.
That was when I realize you were backing into me, subtly, and driving me with your body to the back corner. I lean against the back wall, trying to not be too disappointed that we aren’t alone. I realize with start that your hand has remained behind you and, though it may (may) look innocent to others, it was positioned just so… before people even finish streaming in, you are slowly unzipping my pants.
This is the last in a series that we took. This shows off Charmer’s sadistic side a bit – it allows for some side to side play, but you’re not going *anywhere* meaningful. She has told me before that she prefers movement many times, rather than being absolutely locked in place.
Movement doesn’t mean you’re going anywhere, but (as they say), the struggle… is real. 🙂
Continue reading Picture: Wrought Iron and Leather III (And Steel)
I have learned to love the textures of leather and metal. I think it’s because there’s really not much “give” to them generally and…
…there’s also not much you can do about that lack of give.
As you lay back and pull me to you, you draw my lip into your mouth as we kiss – nipping at me, biting, kissing, releasing and pulling me back to you for more. One of my favorite things is kissing you, which seems… odd for a dude maybe, but it is, and has always been, a huge hot-button for me.
You take advantage of that so frequently. It doesn’t take much – from your tongue dancing around in my mouth, to pulling mine into yours to small bites and more substantial chomps, you know exactly how to get my attention, and I, yours.
Your neck.
There is a fire in your eyes, but it’s not that Domme fire, it’s just pure lust. Horniness at its best. I can see it, sense it, almost feel it on you as you lead me to our room.
“You keep writing about this pain/pleasure mix up in your head. That the two play off each other so well and that it’s so much fun. I mean, sure you don’t SAY it’s so much fun in the moment, but the fact is, it keeps coming up.”
You’re sitting there, looking at me for a response. I’m never quite sure if I should jump into things with both feet or hold off to see what you have in mind. I mean, has anyone read the Scrabble chronicles? Seriously. I nod.
“So, we get to test it. Plain and simple. Today, I give you permission to have an orgasm.”
That’s how the day started. You were just joking around, or at least I had no idea what you were really referring to when you asked. Just out of the blue, you asked me…
“You can do ANYTHING for 3 minutes, right?”
I kind of jokingly answered that I thought I could – pretty much anything anyway. Of course then my mind wandered to all of the things that I was pretty sure I COULDN’T do for 3 minutes. Fire. Falling. You know, DYING stuff. But sure, I was pretty sure you didn’t have that mind anyway.
Continue reading 3 Minutes. You can do ANYTHING for 3 minutes, right?
“Yes, until you tell me to stop,” you tell me slyly as you look at me with that look out of the corner of your eye. “And, of course, if I don’t feel like stopping, I won’t.”
Those words keep dancing around in my head during dinner as I’m trying to get what you’re saying. You’re talking about anything and everything BUT the upcoming session tonight. The weather. The other people around us. All of it. Every now and I hear you say under your breath with a little giggle, “oh, this is going to be so much fun.”
I want to say up front, I LOVE these games. It pushes boundaries and limits, many times just physical “that much?!” type things and makes it a fun and, yes, exhausting weekend. It also pushes me as there’s nothing quite like plopping on the couch and asking if she’d like me to do one of my edging challenges now. Just… strange and weird and fun.. especially when she spins around to face me and has this grin on her face… [SSC: No clue what he’s talking about…]
It’s been three months since the last Scrabble challenge. It might still be hot but summer is coming to an end and I thought it was time to break out the tiles again. Because, of course, I like nothing better than to drive him insane…. And we all know how much he LOVES Scrabble. [Oh yay! Scrabble! I LOVE Scrabble tiles. Someone hand me the matches!]
It’s the strangest thing. You’d never know it to look at her, but when the mood strikes, it flashes through her eyes, curves just the corners of her mouth a bit and then is gone as quickly as it arrived. But there’s something about the energy coming off her, something that changes from “out and about” to “pay very, very close attention and don’t mess with me.” It’s magic.
I’ve had times where this flash happens just as we get up in the morning. Other times in the middle of lunch, still others after dinner. I’m not sure there’s any logic to it, but if you miss it, you should probably start worrying about what comes later because it also means that you won’t have been able to feed the Domme-beast (in a good way) from then forward.
This isn’t to say that it’s a bad thing. Quite the opposite. It’s amazing. I wish I knew the switch that flipped or the situation that enables it or the things that I say. Of course if I did, you can bet we’d live right there, on that edge, all the time.
Still, no one notices, but I get the look, the glance. I’m on high-alert. Sort of like DEFCON status. Things get really interesting when this bakes all day and lust starts to kick in.
Sounding is one of those kinks that seems like something no one in their right mind would want to do. I mean, seriously. You want to put a metal rod WHERE?
Sounding like fun torture (a Fiction? Story)
But I think it’s also perhaps one of those things that is surprising. It’s surprising because it’s so different, so intense and so on the edge of “ok” mentally that it has all sorts of intrigue and kink built into it.
As we’re sitting chatting, almost out of nowhere, you hand me a deck of cards, still in the box. I smile at you, thinking at best, “sweet! Strip poker!” and at worst, “this’ll be fun – some card games…” But then my logical brain kicks in and offers up reality “DAMN! First, the scrabble-esque game that we all know I stink at, now cards, which she always dusts the floor with me with when we play…”
“Fancy a game of cards,” you ask…
One of my favorite things is my day collar, it comes off if water is around, but that’s it. It goes really well with that other piece of metallic control as well…
I walk in the back door and you’re standing there with an envelope. You smile, hand me the envelope and walk away with a touch of your finger to my lips.
I put my things down and open the envelope.