We’d spent the entire day walking and joking and eating and drinking and just exploring. We’d never been to this town before – and that was why we chose it – just completely unknown. Kind of lost track of the number of pubs and taste-testing of food.
It’s also been raining all day. The kind of rain that defeats the umbrella – where it’s just insistent and continuous and you eventually almost give up on it… and just fold up the umbrella.
We’re soaked to the core. The crowds are non-existent because of the rain and we’re enjoying just being silly, splashing around, goofing off a bit.
As night falls, the shops start to close up and we hunker down in a pub a bit out of the way that happens to still be open. We’re looking for some drinks and food and you start dropping little hints. You’ve turned the conversation into a bit of a Q&A, “what if I required you to do…” type questions. It’s a little out of the blue, but for the most part, I can admit I’m game.
Continue reading “So Wet”