A little bling, some red undies–it’s all I need to bring a little heat…
Continue reading “H is for Heat”L is for Leather and Lace
She walked in and saw him looking at an image on the computer. He was a photographer and it wasn’t unusual to see beautiful women on his screen.
Continue reading “L is for Leather and Lace”P is for Pier
She took a photo of the empty pier. The grey skies and cold water made it feel more like winter than July.
Continue reading “P is for Pier”F is for (Vegas) Food
There are a few restaurants that we always try to visit when we are in Vegas. There’s an Irish pub that has been a favorite for years. The newer favorite is a sushi and robata grill And the Mexican place that we found years ago hidden away in a flashy casino.
Continue reading “F is for (Vegas) Food”H is for Honey
“Yes, dear?” The smile on your face makes me roll my eyes, but laugh.
Continue reading “H is for Honey”U is for Up Close
Sometimes I like to be subtle–not often, but sometimes.
Continue reading “U is for Up Close”M is for Magic
Magic. The word just evokes childhood fantasy to me.
Continue reading “M is for Magic”B is for Border
Snake and I are at a figurative border between past and future. There are things that are resolving themselves in family life and after they are resolved, we are looking towards our future.
Continue reading “B is for Border”B is for Bird’s Eye View
I showed the view from our window last week–I’m doing it again, just in a slightly different way.
Continue reading “B is for Bird’s Eye View”A is for August Prompt
August is such an odd month. When I was still in school, it was the last month of summer. When it started, there was still a lot of vacation still to relax and read. You could still have a road trip and have plenty of time to explore.
Continue reading “A is for August Prompt”S is for Silhouette
There’s nothing like a view and a glass door to give a nice shadow…we’re in Vegas, ya’ll!
Continue reading “S is for Silhouette”S is for Shelter
As we walk along the river, we keep an eye on the clouds. The forecast had said no rain, but the clouds were telling another story.
Continue reading “S is for Shelter”C is for Censorship
I hate to self-censor. I’m not talking about being polite. I’m talking about feeling like I can’t say what I feel or think in a setting.
Continue reading “C is for Censorship”S is for Seagulls
“I wonder what they are saying to each other.”
Continue reading “S is for Seagulls”P is for Panorama
Our room in Vegas had a wonderful panoramic view. We could see from the Strip to the mountains–it was really spectacular!
Continue reading “P is for Panorama”B is for Beautiful
Growing up in Colorado, I think I was spoiled by scenery. The view out our front window was Longs Peak and it was almost unobstructed except by a few trees. In fact, my middle school was named for the peak.
Continue reading “B is for Beautiful”S is for Simplify
As I am writing this, it is July 12th and it’s National Simplicity Day. As are many others, Snake and I are working to simplify our lives.
Continue reading “S is for Simplify”P is for PNW
We’ve spent the last few days in Portland and today we are headed to Vegas (yay!) Just a few pictures from our trip…
Continue reading “P is for PNW”G is for Goosebumps
After the heat of the sun by the pool, the room felt cold. She was looking forward to a warm shower to chase away the chill and wash off the chlorine.
Continue reading “G is for Goosebumps”R is to Reflect
The unedited version of this focused on the green of the bra, but I love how the edit reveals the reflection in the mirror.
Continue reading “R is to Reflect”R is for Redemption
“We always play games that you are good at. I think I should get to pick something that I’m good at for a change.”
Continue reading “R is for Redemption”N is for Napping
She fell asleep in the warm sun. The book was amusing, but after the late night, it wasn’t enough to stave off the nap.
Continue reading “N is for Napping”C is for Connect the Dots
I wonder what sort of image Snake could make if he tried to connect the dots….
Continue reading “C is for Connect the Dots”S is for Sea
“It’s already dark,” he said. “Why can’t we wait until tomorrow to go touch the water? I’m exhausted and starving. I don’t even know if I care enough about starving to not just crash.”
Continue reading “S is for Sea”L is for Lacing
Those poor little pieces of ribbon look like they are working so hard…
Continue reading “L is for Lacing”