There’s nothing like some plaid to make it feel a little more like fall….
Continue reading “P is for Plaid”N is for Not Always the Cleavage
Sometimes it’s the cleavage. Let’s face it, with me it is usually the cleavage. But giving a hint of the underwear is fun sometimes too.
Continue reading “N is for Not Always the Cleavage”B is for Back to School
A back-to-school ad was showing on the TV when he turned it on. “Boy am I glad that I don’t have to take classes anymore,” he said as he changed the channel.
Continue reading “B is for Back to School”A is for Ambience
There is something about candlelight. It always seems to add a little bit more oomph to the atmosphere. I just like to add a little lingerie to complete the scene.
Continue reading “A is for Ambience”W is for Winds of Change
Continue reading “W is for Winds of Change”“As the seasons change so do we. May we be aware we are shifting just like the wind.”
C is for Choosing Love
We’ve been asked how we ended up being so lucky to have found each other early and stay married for so long. We are lucky–we both have similar goals and values–but luck is what we’ve made of it.
Continue reading “C is for Choosing Love”W is for Watching
He’d been focused on his work with his headphones on for a couple of hours. Stretching, he heard his back pop all the way up. It was time for a break.
Continue reading “W is for Watching”D is for Date
Every Wednesday with few exceptions is date night at the Snake Den. Sometimes we stay in and solve a mystery game, watch a movie or play video games.
Continue reading “D is for Date”P is for Perspective
“If you get at the right angle, all you can see are the eaves of the houses. They look tiny, but they are perfect!”
Continue reading “P is for Perspective”S is for Slinky
Snake loved this angle–and that very tempting tie that was just itching for him to tug.
Continue reading “S is for Slinky”S is for September Prompt
I’ve said before that September feels more like a new year than January 1st. I know that it’s from starting school each year because January was really just a continuation of the fall classes.
Continue reading “S is for September Prompt”I is for Intimacy
The word intimacy is always thrown around like it is one easily definable thing. Either you are intimate with someone or you are not. Relationships succeed or fail based on some metric that no one seems to agree on.
Continue reading “I is for Intimacy”S is for Staying In
He looked out the window. “Do you want to go down to the pool before the sun sets? We could grab a drink and watch it set.”
Continue reading “S is for Staying In”C is for Chastity
I get to share a photo of my favorite person today…looking at him always makes me say “Mmm.”
Continue reading “C is for Chastity”D is for Depth
We had rented the boat for a couple of hours to get away from the crowds. The group was fun, but we really just wanted some time alone to explore. The water was crystal clear and we were on the hunt for fish and sea turtles.
Continue reading “D is for Depth”R is for Ready (For My Closeup)
There are times when photos are carefully planned and we know exactly what we are trying to show. Other times? I just sit down and we get lucky with the first one.
Continue reading “R is for Ready (For My Closeup)”M is for Mistake
I remember starting middle school and suddenly we had to write with pens. Pencils were only for math class. What if I made a mistake?
Continue reading “M is for Mistake”H is for Healthy Habits
Healthy habits are hard. Excluding college when I ate whatever was edible at the dining hall (cue: no vegetables or fruits usually), I tend to eat pretty well.
Continue reading “H is for Healthy Habits”I is for Italy
As the credits started to roll for Eat Pray Love, I say, “I want to go to Italy.” You laugh.
Continue reading “I is for Italy”S is for Skyline
One of my favorite things about a hotel is a wonderful tub. And when it comes with a view?
Continue reading “S is for Skyline”H is for Hazy Hide-and-Seek
There is fog covering the pond where we had planned to hike. It isn’t cold, but it is hard to see more than a few feet in front of yourself.
Continue reading “H is for Hazy Hide-and-Seek”I is for Inverted
You never know what I’ll do when I’m editing photos. This time, I inverted the colors–I love how the flowers pop.
Continue reading “I is for Inverted”L is for Lightning
We are in the midst of our summer monsoons. While the rain is needed and brings some cooler temperatures, the lightning is the star of the show.
Continue reading “L is for Lightning”B is for Blue (ish)
The Snake Den has been a little crowded the past several months and taking new photos has been–challenging, at best. Non-existent at worst. Luckily I have a stock of some older trip photos that were fun to take.
Continue reading “B is for Blue (ish)”F is for Flexible
“We should have kept the hotel for another night,” she said, looking around the empty house. “We don’t even have our bed to sleep on.”
Continue reading “F is for Flexible”