Sometimes it’s great to go out and socialize. But other times?
Continue reading “N is for Naked”R is for Rising Tide
He watched her sitting in the water with the waves pushing the water around her body. The tide was coming in and he had seen the water slowly splashing farther up her legs.
Continue reading “R is for Rising Tide”T is for Touch of Fall
It’s been cooler than usual the last couple of weeks which is nice. It feels like fall in Tucson so it’s time to do a little decorating…
Continue reading “T is for Touch of Fall”M is for Morals
I have been really working on establishing boundaries the last couple of years regarding people who want all of the things from us but are MIA when we need something. Some people are family, some are friends and others are just online acquaintances who think they are owed time because they want it.
Continue reading “M is for Morals”R is for Recluse
It was a lazy Saturday with no plans which was rare. They jumped in the car to go for a ride to look at the changing leaves.
Continue reading “R is for Recluse”T is for Tequila
We had a great time on Saturday at a local tequila festival. Food, entertainment and, of course, tequila. Mmm….
Continue reading “T is for Tequila”F is for Falling Leaves
She had all the leaves, acorns, and pumpkins on the table. They were having a party and she wanted to add accents to the buffet tables to make them more festive.
Continue reading “F is for Falling Leaves”S is for Socks
There’s nothing like a nice pair of snuggly socks…and not much else.
Continue reading “S is for Socks”E is for Elements
As I’ve mentioned before, I am a Scorpio while Snake is a Taurus. We are exact opposites and our elements are water and earth.
Continue reading “E is for Elements”S is for Surprise
Some of our most favorite places that we’ve eaten or visited have been hidden gems. We will see a place and stop just because and rarely are we disappointed.
Continue reading “S is for Surprise”S is for Sightseeing
We did some sightseeing in Seattle and Tacoma while we were there with family. A trip to the aquarium, Port Defiance Park and the Chihuly glass bridge.
Continue reading “S is for Sightseeing”A is for Apple Picking
She was excited for the weekend. Every year they planned a day to go to a local orchard and pick their own apples. Sure, the apples weren’t quite as perfect as the ones in the grocery store, but the experience was one of their traditions.
Continue reading “A is for Apple Picking”B is for Burple
Or purple for those of you who were not my father. I don’t know that I ever actually heard him say purple…
Continue reading “B is for Burple”R is for Red Chair
She was walking by the cafe as she did every other work day. Today, though, she looked in the window and saw the red chairs.
Continue reading “R is for Red Chair”S is for Seattle
We only had one night to ourselves before our family arrived so we had to make the most of it. Dinner at the pier, a little wandering, and then an awesome ghost tour.
Continue reading “S is for Seattle”R is for Retro
“Let’s stop by that open house on the way home. I’ve always wanted to see inside that house,” she said as they stopped at a light.
Continue reading “R is for Retro”V is for Vintage
Choosing sepia for this photo gave it a nice vintage feel…
Continue reading “V is for Vintage”O is for October Prompt
Can you believe that it’s October? It seems like this year has gone by quickly. Not going to lie, there were some really long moments. But after the last two years, this one seems back to a more “normal” pace.
Continue reading “O is for October Prompt”S is for Simplify
I truly believe that the most important lesson that we learned during the last two years is to pay attention to what is truly important instead of what is noise. Spending more time at home made us realize that we really wanted a more peaceful environment.
Continue reading “S is for Simplify”C is for Cherries
For some reason, this underwear always seems to bring out the comments….
Continue reading “C is for Cherries”H is for Holding Hands
As we walk through the park, he points to an elderly couple sitting on a bench holding hands. “That will be us one day.”
Continue reading “H is for Holding Hands”B is for Blue as Black
The original image had blue lingerie. A little magical editing and it becomes a pretty cool B/W.
Continue reading “B is for Blue as Black”A is for Autumn
Autumn in the Sonoran desert is more than a little different from most other places. When it starts this year, we’ll still have temperatures in the 90s and there will still probably be several days in the 100s before they start to drop.
Continue reading “A is for Autumn”C is for Charcuterie
The weather was starting to change just a little and fall could be felt in the air. Football season had started and she was bored watching him get excited over the games.
Continue reading “C is for Charcuterie”S is for Sonoran
In December 2015, Tucson had the honor of being chosen as the first US city with the designation of UNESCO City of Gastronomy. We have a very diverse restaurant community here that we love to explore.
Continue reading “S is for Sonoran”