Last week we snuck away for a nice day in a local state park. We hiked, had a picnic and it was absolutely beautiful. And perfect weather as you can see.
Continue reading “H is for Hike”P is for Poison
“Why are you dressed in leaves?” he asked as she came out to pose. He had been completely engrossed in the game and looked confused.
Continue reading “P is for Poison”P is for Party
This feels a little like the old mullet saying..
Continue reading “P is for Party”G is for Gratitude
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving in the US. While there will be turkey and all of the fixings here at the Snake Den, we also have the tradition of going around the table and telling what we are thankful for.
Continue reading “G is for Gratitude”S is for Snow
As they checked into the hotel for their weekend getaway, the snow started falling. It was light and fluffy and stuck to her hair for a second before melting away.
Continue reading “S is for Snow”S is for Steampunk
Just testing it out…I think the laces need to be loosened just a bit…
Continue reading “S is for Steampunk”C is for Chocolate
“What are you doing?” He had walked into the kitchen to find her grating dark chocolate.
Continue reading “C is for Chocolate”D is for Denim
Besides yoga pants, there is very little that Snake likes better than me in a denim jacket. And lingerie underneath? That just kicks it up a notch.
Continue reading “D is for Denim”W is for White Rabbit
The best-laid plans…
Continue reading “W is for White Rabbit”A is for Anniversary Toast
She looked at the two drinks on the table while the jazz music was playing softly in the background. She knew the waiter thought she was being stood up and she smiled a knowing smile.
Continue reading “A is for Anniversary Toast”M is for Mirror Image
There’s nothing like bathroom mirrors to give you the chance to make sure things look good from all angles. And to take pictures of course!
Continue reading “M is for Mirror Image”L is for Late
The view out the window was gorgeous. Kitty had really found a perfect place for her destination wedding. As she looked out the window, Matt came up behind her and kissed her neck.
Continue reading “L is for Late”W is for (Birthday) Wine
Last week we went to a favorite place for date night dinner. Since it’s my birthday month we got a free appetizer and a dessert to share and who can complain about that?
Continue reading “W is for (Birthday) Wine”One Year Ago
Last year for my birthday, Snake and I took a fabulous trip up the coast from Boston to Maine. It was a bucket list item for both of us and we had so much fun.
Continue reading “One Year Ago”T is for Tease
I really do love the chastity cage that Snake wears. And it’s so much fun to just tease him a bit and make it uncomfortable too. Mmm…
Continue reading “T is for Tease”L is for Laughter
He squirmed. That laughter. It frustrated him how much it turned him on when she laughed at his predicament.
Continue reading “L is for Laughter”B is for (Almost) Birthday Suit
Happy birthday to me! Seems like a good weekend to kick back, relax and have Snake pamper me.
Continue reading “B is for (Almost) Birthday Suit”S is for Sweat
It was the last day of Locktober and what was the perfect way to end the month of tasks?
Continue reading “S is for Sweat”S is for Simply Adventurous
When I went looking for November quotes, I found not one, but two that seemed to sum up my feelings about this month in this time of life.
Continue reading “S is for Simply Adventurous”G is for Games
Well, I couldn’t very well put game play as my prompt and not play a game this month, right?
Continue reading “G is for Games”H is for Halloween
Halloween–that day of the year for costumes and candy and spooky movies. My favorite? Dark chocolate, of course….mmm
Continue reading “H is for Halloween”N is for November Prompt
I almost missed posting this before the 1st–I was looking at my list of posts and realized that Tuesday is November. But, lucky you, I remembered.
Continue reading “N is for November Prompt”G is for Ghostly
Since Halloween is in just a couple of days, I thought I’d do a spooky edit of a building from our Seattle ghost tour.
Continue reading “G is for Ghostly”B is for Bridge
As I thumb lazily through a magazine, a photo catches my attention. Folding the page back, I show it to you. “Remember that weekend?”
Continue reading “B is for Bridge”C is for Corn Maze
“I’m not going in there,” she stated firmly. “When I was small, my brother went ahead of me and then jumped out and scared the shit out of me. I don’t do them and I don’t do haunted houses.”
Continue reading “C is for Corn Maze”