The prompt of our favorite thing was really challenging. We debated toys, earrings and everything in between. But really, my favorite article of clothing is jeans–always has been. And it’s just a little more sinful with the tease of blue…
Boobday — Here Kitty Kitty…
Sometimes the words flow for a picture and sometimes the picture stands on its own… I think this is the latter…
Sinful Sunday # 34 — Spring
When you live in the desert and summer means triple digit temperatures and air conditioning, spring is the perfect time for some sun and fun.
Sinful Sunday #33 — Morning After…
Snake and I are in Las Vegas celebrating our anniversary. We got married at the beginning of Spring Break because I was still in college and that gave us a week for our honeymoon. Of course, it also coincides with March Madness…
And the Answer is…
Last night was one of our rare nights alone with no dance lessons or practice. So, of course, it was time for some teasing and play…
We had to do our photo for #boobday so that’s always a fun tease to begin the night. Snake gets to be behind the camera and take lots of shots and be a professional. No touching, just looking. And, sometimes, you know, it does take a while to get the right shot.
Scarves Can Be Fun…
Trying to decide on a photo for today, I thought that I would play with teasing Snake a little. He seemed to enjoy the view…
Day #29 — We Did It!
When we first saw the February Photofest post, we both couldn’t imagine doing a photo every day for a month. It seemed beyond daunting, but we decided to jump in and just commit to it. It’s been challenging some days, silly some days, but always us.
Sinful Sunday #31 — Waiting
*Posting a little early this week because this sexy gypsy and her adoring fan are off to the Renaissance Festival for some frivolity*
Sometimes, like Friday night, Snake has to work late on a critical project. On nights like those, I like to remind him that I’m waiting and wanting…
Day 25 — Rodeo Days
For our Throwback Thursday, we chose a photo that we shot for a friend who wanted to see my cowboy hat. It seems fitting since the rodeo is here this weekend…
Day 23 — Snow Moon
Since we live in the desert, snow is a pretty rare thing. And because the temperature here today was 80F/26C, it’s even more unlikely tonight. But it’s still a pretty sight…
Day 21 — Morning After
One of the best parts of fun on Saturday night is the lazy cuddling on Sunday morning….
Day 19 — Zipper
I’ve been going through clothes and getting rid of the ones that I either don’t like or don’t fit anymore. I found this shirt hiding between others and haven’t worn it since before kids. The poor zipper just doesn’t have a chance….
Day 17 — Favorite Position
One of my favorite places to be is snuggling with Snake–we’ll fall asleep like this a lot of nights after we play. It’s so comfortable and warm….
Day 15 — Male Chastity Day
As anyone knows who follows our blog, Male Chastity Day is every day here. I wrote recently about my thoughts and then how THE CAGE has changed our relationship. This seemed a fitting photo to celebrate both the day and us…
Day 12 — Flashing….
We were headed to the movies last night to see Deadpool and thought that I would tease Snake just a little before we headed out…. He seemed to like the view.
And the movie was great, btw!
Charmer’s Thoughts on the Cage Part 2
About two weeks ago I wrote about my thoughts when we first started using THE CAGE….I don’t know why but for some reason it always seems like it needs a booming voice to say that.
I talked about the history of our use of THE CAGE–see, you are doing it in your head now too, aren’t you?–and opened up a whole new question set. I said that we didn’t think anything would really change and left it there. Since then there have been a couple of questions about what changed so I’m going to try to talk about that in some coherent way. No promises.
Day 10 — Intertwined
One of our favorite times of each day is when we go to bed and first turn out the lights…intertwined and snuggling…
Day 8 — Commitment
Almost 29 years ago we exchanged rings to show our commitment to each other. Two years ago, we added Snake’s day collar as another daily reminder…
Sinful Sunday #28 –“A is for…”
Apple… When the February prompt first was announced, Snake and I struggled a little with our idea. Then the perfect idea because … Snake, Apple and Temptation … seems right up our alley.
Day 5 — A Sneak Peek
While we were doing pictures for Sinful Sunday a couple of weeks ago, I jokingly grabbed the camera and took some boob selfies. Snake was a big fan of this one…
Day 3 — A Treat for Snake
One of Snake’s favorite things, excluding me, is fruit. And strawberries are one of his favorites. What a perfect place for him to find a treat….
Charmer’s Thoughts on the Cage…
Life is interfering with Snake’s blogging… Being a techie nerd, when things fall apart, they tend to take the world with them. So, he’s busy being brilliant in his real life so I thought that I would write…gasp!
Besides–since he won’t be able to make his deadline on his post, it just gives me lots of delicious opportunities to come up with alternative tasks. Maybe a story, maybe an extra picture, maybe something completely new. Oh, the ideas running through my head.
Sinful Sunday #26 — Thursday Nights
As you might have noticed from our tweets, Snake and I spend a lot of nights at the dance studio either with lessons or practicing. And on a lot of our *off* nights, we have an adult daughter who likes to come here and drink our alcohol…
Thursday night is always our night alone. A little wine and a nice body rub is heaven…
At the Request of Charmer….
If you follow Snake on Twitter, you might have noticed some pictures and a story that said “Per Charmer’s requirement…” and wondered why I was being so damn pushy… I thought I might tell you what the new year holds for Snake (and me).
We are heading into our third year of our relationship reboot. (Sorry, nerd) Our first year was exploring the D/s side of our relationship. We did a lot of playing with restraints and toys and Snake started wearing his cage. I’m sure that he can tell you the exact date that he ordered his first one but I would say it was January or February of 2014.
Sinful Sunday #24 — Rocker Chick
Snake and I have a long running joke because he loved disco and I was a rocker chick all the way. I have mostly cured him of that bad taste — and he tells me this might be one of the reasons….