Scrabble Challenge of Olympic Proportions

It’s been three months since the last Scrabble challenge.    It might still be hot but summer is coming to an end and I thought it was time to break out the tiles again.  Because, of course, I like nothing better than to drive him insane….  And we all know how much he LOVES Scrabble.  [Oh yay!  Scrabble! I LOVE Scrabble tiles.  Someone hand me the matches!]

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Orgasm Control vs. Orgasm Denial

Snake and I have been having this long winded discussion about whether we are doing control or denial.  This, of course, means that we have to actually figure out what we mean by those two words….

This all started last week when Thumper posted his May metrics.  We, being the nerds that we are, also have spreadsheets and ratios and all of that.  Thumper said that he was at 11 for the year so I had to check our stats.  Snake is at 6.

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The Scrabble Tiles Are Out Again

Long weekends seem to bring out the fun-loving spontaneous side of me.  Or, as Snake likes to put it, the evil and devious side of me.  [Snake: I think that depends on your perspective.  “fun-loving” – I do think “devious” is more apt] Either way, it’s time for another Scrabble challenge. If you don’t remember the previous ones, here is the first challenge and here is the second one.

[Snake: I KNEW this was coming.  After two wins, I even told her after the last one that I was sure that the next one was going to be on the hairy edge of impossible.  She hasn’t disappointed.]

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Update….Yup—Still Around

I know the Snake Den has been pretty quiet recently.  There have been pics and the rare post and story, but not the usual stuff.  Muggle life has been keeping us way too busy…

Work… blah, blah, blah… family… blah, blah, blah… miscellaneous nonsense… blah, blah, blah…  You get the picture and it’s boring and the same for everyone so, yeah…

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