A little sunlight and a shiny cage make for a pretty nice shot…
Boobday–Here’s Looking at Me
Saw a rendition of this picture online and thought it would be a fun one to try to duplicate. Snake seems to be a fan 🙂
Sinful Sunday #112–Game Task…or Reward
As you might have seen, Snake and I have been playing a new game. Since he missed a question one night, I got a REALLY nice massage….
Continue reading “Sinful Sunday #112–Game Task…or Reward”
Boobday — Winter in the Desert
We don’t tend to get cold here in general and this year has been particularly warm. But we had just enough rain this week to break out the jackets…..
Sinful Sunday #110–After Shower Routine
After my shower, I always make sure to put on lotion. I need to make sure Snake is pleasantly surprised when I nuzzle up to him…
Sinful Sunday #109 — Break from Holiday Madness
We are celebrating Christmas early–this weekend–because we are heading to the cold wet Northwest next week. And I am not dragging presents that I don’t need to through the airport tbh…. So, a little me time to just relax during the craziness. Have a good and sinful Sunday!
Continue reading “Sinful Sunday #109 — Break from Holiday Madness”
Just heading to the tub…… Happy Friday y’all!
Boobday—Nothing but towel
Ok…maybe a little boob too….
Boobday–Green and Sparkly
This was one of my quick morning pictures that I send to Snake…lucky boy. Really like how the light turned out….
Dance and Snake Torture….
So, not quite a month ago, I wrote that things were getting back to normal around here. Of course, us being us, normal is a pretty relative term…
Sinful Sunday #105 — Lazy Day
A lil TV, hair in a braid and Snake’s shirt… recipe for a sinful Sunday in this house
Boobday — Back to the Workouts
Snake thought we should post a picture to commemorate my return to weight lifting. He thought he might be cute and try to take one while I was doing squats but I think the murderous look made him change his mind. So, instead, you get one from between sets…
Unexplained Absence
Yes, I know…excluding pictures we have dropped off the blogosphere. And even our pictures have been absent some weeks.
Why? Life. And more precisely me. Without getting into a lot of details, I pulled a muscle about two years ago that decided to start being a nuisance last October and by April had sidelined me from almost everything. Apparently when I was nursing the pulled muscle, I changed my stance and messed up my back. When that happened, I stopped moving which messed up my piriformis and all hell broke loose.
I had to stop just about everything that I love doing and just recover. No dance. No weight lifting. Play was pretty much out of the question. It sucked. It beyond sucked. I stopped feeling like me because I couldn’t do what made me “me.” Snake has done so much and put up with so much, particularly raging, that he deserves a medal.
BUT…slowly, I am getting back into stuff. We are dancing again and have a performance next month. I am getting back to weight lifting and even got to use the “big girl plates” for the first time yesterday. I can function again which was just the barest glimmer of hope in June.
And we are starting to be able to play again. Not where we were, but I can now see that we can get there. And I want to get there, which wasn’t even on my radar when everything hurt.
So, we will be back blogging soon. And I just wanted to tell my amazing husband thank you for being there and being my support and my cheerleader and my coach. I love you <3
Sinful Sunday #103 — Textures
There are times when the vision and the picture work like magic. You set up, take the shot and it’s ready to go. Snake had a vision of different textures that he was trying to get. After moving two cats, changing clothes, changing angles and about a gazillion shots, I think he finally got it… This stuff is a lot of work sometimes. And I know how much he hates taking pictures of me 🙂
Boobday — White
The shirt is white….and I’m really not sure what else to say except….Boobs! I hope all of you have a good and safe weekend.
Sinful Sunday #100 — Turquoise Bottoms
A long holiday weekend, a pool and some shades of blue–seems like a winning combination to me…
Boobday — Eclipse
As you can see, our pictures of the eclipse weren’t all that awesome. So, Snake decided to enhance this one a little…. Happy Friday y’all!
Sinful Sunday #98 — A Little Bling
Just thought I’d show off my bling…whatcha think?
Boobday — Sneak Peak
Why? Because it’s fun…. Happy Friday!
Sinful Sunday #96 — All Sorts of Red
We have very limited options on stairs here since almost everything is single story. So outside steps by the pool was the winner. Red brick, red toes, red undies…. You get the picture 🙂
Sinful Sunday #95 — Light Waves
Instead of shadows this week, Snake decided to play with a different light source. I think it looks very sci-fi 🙂
Boobday — Kitty Print
Just like an innocent little house cat, right?
Sinful Sunday #94 — D is for Drops….
Snake and I thought we’d take the D prompt as an excuse to skinny dip…. not that we need one but we’ll use it anyway.
Boobday — Little Black…Bra
Nothing like starting out the weekend on a Friday morning with a sexy bra….
Sinful Sunday #93 — Desert Landscapes
We have done quite a few outdoor shots but we decided to add a little of the desert plant life to this one…. Have a sinful Sunday everyone!