Just a quick shot for Snake before I got dressed….
Continue reading “After Shower”FPF Day 28 — Spa night part two
We made it through the whole month–whew!
A little massage to end the night. Who could ask for more?
Continue reading “FPF Day 28 — Spa night part two”B&W Relaxation
After a very long day–tracked over 20,000 steps–it’s nice to just put up your feet and wait for a massage…
Continue reading “B&W Relaxation”FPF #19 — Rituals
One of the nightly rituals in the Snake household is my bath. It is drawn by a naked Snake and is one of my favorite times of the day–for numerous reasons!
Continue reading “FPF #19 — Rituals”Lucky Charmer
Every morning I get a sexy shot from Snake. This is the fabulous one from this morning…. #luckyme
Continue reading “Lucky Charmer”FPF #14 — Red and Black
I figured that I would pull out the classics of red and black for Valentine’s Day… Hope you all have a very loving and sexy fun day!
Continue reading “FPF #14 — Red and Black”FPF #12 — More Red
Still working our way to Valentine’s Day….
Continue reading “FPF #12 — More Red”Red is for….
Just a pop of red for Valentine’s….
Continue reading “Red is for….”FebPhotoFest Day 6–A Wet Snake
As you might have noticed, Snake is not the exhibitionist of the two of us but sometimes I do get to share one. I think he looks pretty amazing!
Continue reading “FebPhotoFest Day 6–A Wet Snake”White…
For prompt weekend and Super Bowl Sunday, I thought I’d break out the athletic socks. Go team!
Continue reading “White…”Blue fog…
Up in the foggy NW area of the country so thought blue might be the perfect color…
Continue reading “Blue fog…”Sharing
Snake seems to enjoy his early morning sneak peek–I treated him today to two of them so thought we’d share one.
It’s been unusually cold in the desert so we’ve been able to enjoy the fireplace more than usual. And the sparks that go with it….
Last Day of November
Warm showers always feel so good on chilly mornings…
Up Close and Personal
I guess there isn’t much more to say than “Happy Friday!”
All About the Rug
The inn that we stayed at in Oregon had some amazing views inside and out. Thought you’d like to see the rug….Have some fun being sinful!
The Other Side…
Last week we did the back of the lingerie, so it’s only fair to do the front for today. Have a great weekend!
Morning Lace
We recently took a trip to the Oregon coast and spent the morning being lazy and languishing in the sun. Or, as Snake says, this one is all about the butt. LOL
Just a Jacket
We saw a movie yesterday and the main character was wearing a jacket with nothing underneath. I tossed out the challenge to Snake and I think he did a pretty good job giving me a similar look. Hope you all had some fun this weekend too…
So Helpful
Snake is just always ready to lend a hand….
Whiling Away Saturday
It’s always nice to get a Saturday with no plans–time for some wine, TV and then a little playtime.
Flash of Green
Seems like a good way to start the weekend….
Feet Up….
And waiting on a drink…and dinner.
Movie Time
Doesn’t everyone watch this way?
All Dressed Up to Stay In
Sometimes it’s nice to get dressed up and go out on the town–sometimes it’s nice to stay in…..