I love reading the TMI Tuesday questions and last week was one that I wrote to Snake about in our personal journal. The question was: Love is made of many components. What are your top three components of love?
Continue reading “TMI and Good Bones”Results of Round Two of the Game
There have been memes and life and I haven’t had time to give the results of the second round. I’m sure it has been in the back of your brain, keeping you awake at night so, here goes….
Continue reading “Results of Round Two of the Game”#F4TFriday–What I Want to Be When I Grow Up
You know those memes where you do a quiz to find out which X you are in a movie/TV show/book, etc.? One of the ones that I’ve talked to friends about several times is Grease.
Continue reading “#F4TFriday–What I Want to Be When I Grow Up”Gratitude and Dominance
Just a quick game update: So far for round two, we are 2:1 on wins so it’s very close. And Snake has 3/7 ruined O’s under his belt (get it?) so we are making progress with my win from last round.
Continue reading “Gratitude and Dominance”Change in the Air
I have lived in the desert for most of my adult life, but I have to think that the change in seasons might be as clear other places.
Continue reading “Change in the Air”Results of Round One of the Game
We finished the last round of the game on Friday morning and I promised (OK, teased) the results would be forthcoming.
Continue reading “Results of Round One of the Game”Room 101 – Fears, Domme-side and Life
I love that this Food for Thought Friday ties to George Orwell and 1984. This was one of my favorite books as a tween. I was raised by a father who thought that all small children should be read classics and I vividly remember him reading Kim by Rudyard Kipling to me when I was 5. So, it is no surprise that I read all of the classics that I could find.
I don’t have a lot of fears. [Snake: I can vouch for this – from a sexy-time perspective and a life perspective] I do seriously dislike jumping bugs. I hate driving but definitely more of a control freak issue. Anything I can’t control as much as possible makes me uncomfortable. But I can’t say that it goes to fear.
Charmer Silliness
Game update: Today is day 5. We did have the one tie which really surprised me. But please participate in the polls. I want to win–and landslides are always better than by a nose!
Continue reading “Charmer Silliness”Game Progress and Aladdin
So far, one person has won both days. This could bode really well or, well, not so well for Snake. Stay tuned….
Continue reading “Game Progress and Aladdin”New game….and you get to help
Snake and I have had a crazy May. Unexpected trip out of town for eight days to deal with family stuff. It was good but incredibly stressful.
Continue reading “New game….and you get to help”Laces and lace…
When life tries to get to you, it’s time to bring out the sexy bra….
Continue reading “Laces and lace…”Two Strong Women
My mom. Snake’s mom. They were both strong but I’m not sure if they could have found another way to be different if they tried.
Continue reading “Two Strong Women”Fire
In our private blog, Snake sent this quote to me:
Continue reading “Fire”Cars and Pools and Balconies…Oh, My!
Snake and I started dating at the end of high school and through college before he got an apartment and we eventually got married. Privacy was almost non-existent between families and roommates so we ended up having to find private time…outside the bedroom.
Continue reading “Cars and Pools and Balconies…Oh, My!”Sunday Thoughts…
Completely disconnected ones at that…
Continue reading “Sunday Thoughts…”Happy Birthday, Snake…
Just to celebrate, I thought I would share some of my favorite memories of the two of us..
Continue reading “Happy Birthday, Snake…”Wicked
The Musical. And the book because I’m one of those weird people who read the book BEFORE I saw the musical. Was very confused seeing it the first time because story lines definitely don’t match up entirely but I love both of them.
Continue reading “Wicked”Charmer’s Rambly More….
I have a couple themes are the springboard for this post. So, who knows if they will play together nicely or if you are going to get multiple posts mushed into one. It’s all an adventure, right?
Continue reading “Charmer’s Rambly More….”Corset
Just a little view of the cleavage on display on date night…..
Continue reading “Corset”The Beginning of the Story
As you probably have noticed, Snake tries to write for the Wicked Wednesday prompt most weeks. There are unfortunately weeks where life gets in the way but he’s pretty consistent.
I decided this week I would start the story for him and he could take it from there tomorrow. Stay tuned for how he finishes…
Continue reading “The Beginning of the Story”Risk
Risk. One of those words that says scary and run away. Protect yourself and avoid at all costs.
But isn’t that in itself a risk? You risk missing chances and adventures and relationships and living.
Hunter S. Thompson
“Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, “Wow what a ride!”
My family has long accepted that this is going to be my fate. I will die doing something crazy but I sure will love the ride.
[Snake: True, for as long as I’ve known you, we’ve agreed that this is how it will be!]
Snake and I have lists of things to do–I hate the term bucket list–both sexually and life goals. We’ve done a lot of ziplines, white water, traveled to places that are exotic and thrilling and had sex in some rather scandalous places. We have made the conscious choice not to wait for “someday,” but to live now.
But there is so much more to do. When we were in New Zealand, we heard the term black water rafting. Hmmm… this sounds intriguing. IT’S RAFTING RAPIDS THROUGH A CAVE!!!!! We’ve ziplined through a cave and if you get the chance, just do it. I mean, really. We are definitely putting the black water rafting on the list, though. How cool must that be?
[Snake: This sounds like so much fun… sans the critters in the water, which will just have to be… “experienced” … but yeah. It looks amazingly intense.]
But risk comes in many forms and I think the emotional risks are scarier and harder to push through and get past. If I let this person in, will they hurt me like the last one? Can I put aside my emotional baggage and really trust that they are true? Can I let them see me, the real me, and not put on a persona?
And, before you start searching my social media, no, I am not writing about anything or anyone specific. You know that you would–and, yes, I’m looking at you!
The risks sometimes result in a lot of hurt. And anger. And disenchantment with people. Those results make me want to avoid it in the future. Don’t stray too far from the sidewalk or trust and be safe. It’s a nice cocoon. Snuggle in with Snake and just push everyone else away.
But, truly, is that living? There are times to pull back and regroup and recharge. I know my own limits and I have to do that sometimes. But, then, I have to step back out into the world and risk those other attachments in order to be fully alive. So, yes, I choose too much feeling and too much affection and risk getting hurt in order to be me.
St. Jerome
The face is the mirror of the mind, and eyes without speaking confess the secrets of the heart.
Mirrors are always fun to play with. Watching you, watching myself, watching the reactions. We use them in play, we use them to put ourselves together and we tend to use them a lot in photographs.
Many of you know that Snake and I take dance lessons and perform occasionally. In a studio, there are mirrors everywhere. Good and bad reflections. I get to watch him but unfortunately also get to see how much work I still need to do to make it look “right.” But the mirrors always show progress which is more important and easier to attain than perfection.
When I think of a mirror, though, it is your eyes and face. You are always so expressive and open with me. I see the love reflected back to me. So often when our eyes meet, there is no need for words. We are one.
There are times when your eyes reflect frustration and anger. Often when I’m teasing you to the edge of your endurance. But still, you endure. For me.
Traveling with you allows me to see the joy and wonder and excitement that seeing new places and experiencing new things brings. We hold hands and share a glance that reflects our journey and adventure.
So, while mirrors on the wall are fun, my favorite mirror and kink is definitely your eyes.
I always know he has an idea that will be uncomfortable when Snake apologizes BEFORE I’m even ready to pose for the photo. This morning? Squirt bottle with cold water even after putting hot water in it. The things I do for art…..
Continue reading “Misty…”Finding the Way Back
“I am the Bad Wolf. I create myself. I take the words. I scatter them … in time, and space. A message to lead myself here.”
Russell T. Davies
Forgive me if you aren’t a Doctor Who fan because the above quote might seem a bit Little Red Riding Hood. But I found my Bad Wolf shirt this morning and it resonated.
When Snake and I started this blog journey a few years ago, it was bright and shiny and new. Writing was easy. Things flowed. We wrote about everything because it was a constant discovery.
After that initial burst, it’s harder to keep writing the same way. I suppose that it is possible to keep going bigger and MORE all of the time.
Unfortunately, life has a tendency to keep the fantasy 24/7/365 at bay. And it begins to feel boring to write about the same play and the same toys and the same games (Yes, I still love to torment him with Scrabble and Trivial Pursuit).
[Snake:] …and yes, I still typically lose. Over. and. Over again. I mean, seriously. you’d think I’d learn how to form more words or learn more trivia, but I think she has this uncanny way of finding trivia questions that I just have zero clue about… then making them the topic of whatever challenge. It’s just wrong. WRONG!
Then “piriformis syndrome” struck the house. I spent about a year with my wonderful chiropractor and stretching and exercising and recovered. The funny thing is, logically, when something hurts, you stop moving. Sit still and wait for it to heal. Not so much with this–at least with me. The less I did, the more it hurt. Working through the pain made it go away. Kinda blows your mind, huh?
And we started back to doing pictures and stories on the site. Snake and I are in a great place together. EXCEPT…my playful side got put aside while we worked on my recovery. Less play means less to write about. Less to write about means I think about it less often and it is a vicious circle. Writing is a habit that needs nurturing to keep it going.
I’m healed though and I want to find all sorts of new ways to torture and tease Snake. SO…it’s time to create
[Snake:] me? I’ll just be hiding. Over here. In the corner. Oh, and whimpering. Likely a lot. Maybe I’ll start memorizing
Getting a new phone always comes with challenges–but the better camera comes with a few perks.
Continue reading “Textures”