He had been standing at the shoreline just after they arrived and she just had to take a photo. The colors of the sky in the background just emphasized his figure against the sea.
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Blast of Blue
I always find it interesting when I take the actual color of the item and make the entire photo the same tint. It looks very modern and artsy.
Continue reading Blast of BlueA Relic
While we were driving through eastern Oregon towards Portland, there were some amazing views. The snow-covered mountains are gorgeous and then we traveled down the Columbia River gorge. We even saw a herd of elk by the side of the road.
Continue reading A RelicWhale Watching
They’d planned the trip specifically around whale-watching season. She’d never seen one except on television and was super excited at the possibility of seeing one in person.
Continue reading Whale WatchingPreppy Collar Pop
Just before Snake took this photo, he turned the collar up. Looks very preppy, right?
Continue reading Preppy Collar PopWhere the Desert Meets the Mountains
Currently, we are on a road trip. Last Monday was hot and then yesterday we went from warm to threatening snow.
Continue reading Where the Desert Meets the MountainsA Little Lounging
Nothing like a sunny day to make me feel like lounging by the pool…
Continue reading A Little LoungingTime to Smell the Flowers
The roses are just starting to bloom, but this geranium is going crazy. Should always take some time to smell the flowers. Mmm…
Continue reading Time to Smell the FlowersYou Like Her Too?
She had been trying to get to the bookstore all week before it closed, but life seemed to be conspiring against her. Between a couple of last-minute phone calls at work and surprise drinks with a friend who had just broken up with her boyfriend, it had been a crazy week.
Continue reading You Like Her Too?The Perfect Shirt
Short, white, and sheer, right? I mean, as long as I’m lounging at home….
Continue reading The Perfect ShirtThat Staircase
After a long day of meetings, the last thing she wanted to do was happy hour with everyone. She knew it was important for networking, but she was exhausted.
Continue reading That StaircaseBathing Suit Weather
While the pool is not quite warm enough yet, it’s time for the bathing suit to make a reappearance…Mmm…
Continue reading Bathing Suit WeatherPopcorn and wine
It was the first weekend with no plans for months and they were going to take advantage of it. There was most of a season of their favorite show queued up and popcorn was ready.
Continue reading Popcorn and wineSplash of Sun
Where the sun shines through the window is one of my favorite places to sit…and tease
Continue reading Splash of SunHoliday Weekend
With a three-day weekend, it seems like clothes are just too much work. Am I right?
Continue reading Holiday WeekendToo Many Choices
She had been given a gift certificate for a tea shop that had opened in town and decided today was the day. She loved tea, but she usually just bought the bags in the grocery store. She’d never really explored options beyond that.
Continue reading Too Many ChoicesStar Gazing
Stars during the day are almost as much fun as star gazing at night…
Continue reading Star GazingHidden
It’s all about what to show and what to (barely) hide, right? Mmm…
Continue reading HiddenRich
The flight was delayed so they missed dinner. As they walked through the casino, she saw him eyeing the machines.
Continue reading RichSpring
Last week it was chilly here, but finally starting to feel the warm weather coming. It’s the perfect time of year to lounge outside…
Continue reading SpringChocolate
They were finishing up the shopping for her classroom. Easter was next week and she was buying little trinkets and candy for treats. He grabbed a bag of jelly beans and tossed them into the cart.
Continue reading ChocolateDandelions and Wishes
It had been a long and rainy winter and they were ready to get outside. There were wildflowers everywhere from all of the rain and it was a perfect day.
Continue reading Dandelions and WishesLet Me Adjust That For You…
When I see this picture, all I can imagine is Snake just itching to fix that twisted strap…
Continue reading Let Me Adjust That For You…Seven
Snake is always a bit cautious when I bring out a die and tell him to roll it. Sunday morning I did and got back, “Why?”
Continue reading SevenSplash of Sunlight
I love how you can see the sunlight coming through the window. And who doesn’t love an awesome corset? Mmm….
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