Back in the day–college day–we didn’t have a lot of money. We stayed at a lot of slightly sketchy motels for some privacy from roommates, but we did have one really fabulous weekend in the canyon just above Sedona.
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W is for Want
I stand in front of the television blocking your view and locking eyes as I start to lift my shirt.
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A huge part of what we missed during lockdown was being able to go out for dinner a couple of times a month to our favorite little places.
Continue reading D is for Date NightL is for Late
I hand you the list of things that must be done before we get on the train this afternoon.
Continue reading L is for LateB is for Beginning
While I know that most of your are aware that Snake and I are high school sweethearts, barely, most of you don’t know how we met and the beginnings of our relationship.
Continue reading B is for BeginningT is for Teachers
I had a lot of good teachers over the years. Most fit in the good category with a couple in the horrible column. But, I can think of two amazing teachers.
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There’s nothing like a quick flash to stop him in his tracks….
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“Remember that first day of college after our parents finally left?”
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Hacienda Del Sol is a beautiful and really unique place in Tucson. The guest ranch started as a girl’s school and has had many famous Hollywood-types stay there over the years. One of the most notable pairs has a casita named after them–the Tracy-Hepburn Casita.
Continue reading H is for HaciendaA is for Alice
As most of you know, Snake and I really enjoy dancing together. This is a relatively new thing since we took some group classes in late 2013 and discovered that we love it.
Continue reading A is for AliceS is for Social Media
Snake and I are on quite a bit of social media. Twitter obviously, both fun and professional, Instagram, both personal and Charmer, Facebook, both personal and professional, Pinterest, LinkedIn and FetLife. Larger and smaller footprints on each of them, but we are there.
Continue reading S is for Social MediaF is for Fog
I can say the word “fog” and Snake will know exactly what memory I will be writing about. I teased a picture of it yesterday in my post and I’m sure he knew exactly where it was even without a point of reference.
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We are almost at the end of August and also almost at the end of summer.
Continue reading S is for September PromptM is for Magnetic Poetry
Poetry is not my forte…
Continue reading M is for Magnetic PoetryP is for Popcorn
OK, Charmer, this month is supposed to be about summer and the best you’ve got is popcorn?
Continue reading P is for PopcornT is for Teal
Thought I’d have a little fun trying to do a color edit–Snake is usually the wizard with this, but I like how it turned out.
Continue reading T is for TealM is for Model
It’s been hot and most of the indoor recreation places haven’t been open this summer so we’ve been spending some time decluttering. Not much fun, but at least more productive than watching another cooking show.
Continue reading M is for ModelT is for Time
I find that as I read prompts, I tend to have an initial gut level reaction to them as either “I can totally write for that,” or “I have nothing to say about that.” Defining moment felt like it was just something that I didn’t feel related to my life. There was never one big moment that shifted my focus.
Continue reading T is for TimeW is for Water
Yes, water is very precious in the desert. We don’t have lawns and there are very few bodies of water around except for swimming pools.
Continue reading W is for WaterK is for Kiss
Each day…
Continue reading K is for KissG is for Games
Yes, I hinted at a new one arriving in the Snake Den. So while Snake is busy trying to figure out if it will be Scrabble or Trivial Pursuit or Cards Against Humanity….it will be
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This summer has been unlike any other that any of us have probably ever known. The lockdowns and restrictions have changed how we “did” summer. Most of us would have headed off to the beach or gone to a favorite city, but stayed home as we hope that next summer will be different.
Continue reading R is for Road TripH is for Hot
Peeking outside, the breeze is blowing the trees. The desert has a way of holding its breath when it is hot and dry. It is like the trees make their leaves just a bit smaller to conserve water and be less visible to the sun. The animals are out only early morning and dusk unless they can survive in the dark.
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Usually this time of year, from early July to the beginning of September, is our monsoon season. It is when we get more than half of the rain for the year and the triple digit temperatures bring violent storms, flooding, wind and lightning.
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It’s a lazy Sunday morning–we eventually have to get up and do THE THINGS. But, for now, while it is still cool in the house, we lazily snuggle.
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